67007 - Analysis Methodologies (2) (LM)

Academic Year 2023/2024

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Semiotics (cod. 8886)

Learning outcomes

The module explores the theoretical, methodological and applicative aspects of the semiotic discipline, following the work of the module Methodologies of Analysis (1). 


Course contents

The module will deep the knowledge of semiotic methodological tools, through the concept of textuality and problems of its boundaries, including the most advanced applications of the discipline.

To this end, the course will have a workshop format, with presentation of analyses and active participation of the students.

The first part of the course will be devoted to introducing more recent theoretical areas and notions peculiar to the semiotic analysis of texts: in particular sociosemiotics and the study of passions.

Subsequently, the course will focus on specific paths, dedicated to single textual typologies, including: literature, visual arts, food, branding, pop icons, inter-semiotic translation.

One or more lectures will be dedicated to each of these sections, in order to provide the appropriate tools to deepen one of the chosen fields.

One of the objectives of the course is the writing of a paper, which may be on the individual chosen fields or on areas not covered in the lessons. Constant methodological support will be provided for the writing of the thesis, with home and classroom tests devoted to case studies.



The module includes parts of basic texts, introducing the study of advanced themes in the analysis of texts:

Marrone, G. (2001). Corpi sociali. Processi comunicativi e semiotica del testo. Torino, Einaudi (introduction + chapps. from 3 to 6).

Pezzini, I. (1998). Le passioni del lettore, Milano, Bompiani (chapps. 2-5-6-8 + one analysis chapter, at choice)


  •   PATHS

The course continues through a series of pathways, which are useful in developing a ductile methodological capacity that can be applied to different types of study objects.

A number of lessons will be dedicated to each pathway, so that through different areas of research and analysis, a common methodological thread will emerge.


Bertrand, D. (2000), Basi di semiotica letteraria, Roma, Meltemi.


 Visual Arts

Polidoro, P. (2008), Che cos’è la semiotica visiva, Roma, Carocci.

Lancioni, T.(2022). "The Oxbow. Semiotica del testo pittorico", in Mangiapane, F. e Tassinari, C. A (a cura di), "Metodo e testualità. Costruzioni analitiche e modi di fare" (numero monografico open access), E|C, n. 34, pp. 182-195.



Marrone, G. (2022), Gustoso e saporito: introduzione al discorso gastronomico, Milano, Bompiani


Marrone, G. (2007). Il discorso di marca. Modelli semiotici per il branding, Bari, Laterza.


Pop Icons
Spaziante, L. (2016), Icone pop. Identità e apparenze tra semiotica e musica, Milano, Bruno Mondadori.


Intersemiotic translation

Dusi, N. (2015), Contromisure. Trasposizioni e intermedialità, Milano, Mimesis.

Dusi, N. e Spaziante, L. (eds.) (2006), Remix-remake. Pratiche di replicabilità, Roma, Meltemi.


In addition to the introductory texts, it is necessary to select at least one of the paths of your choice, in order to introduce the individual thematic areas that will be addressed during the lessons.

In the single chosen area, the study of one book at least is a necessary condition to write the paper, to which further in-depth materials can be added.



Teaching methods

The module includes lectures, encouraging presence and participation of students, as audiovisual materials will be shown during the lessons and collective analyzes will also be carried out.



Supplementary seminars

Based on previous experience, an optional supplementary activity is planned in the course, which may be more or less developed, depending on student interest and participation.

Starting from the issue of intersemiotic translation, it will be possible to participate in seminar meetings, devoted to two specific case studies of adaptation between literature and cinema:

- from the novel Revolutionary Road by Richard Yates (1961), to the eponymous film by Sam Mendes (2008).

- from Philip Dick's short story Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? (1968) to Ridley Scott's film Blade Runner (1982) and Denis Villeneuve's Blade Runner 2049 (2017).

More information will be provided from the beginning of the lectures.

Assessment methods

The assessment takes place through a paper (individual, or collective with groups of max 4), focused on a theme and / or on a case study related to the areas addressed during the course, to be discussed in an oral interview.

It will be possible, in agreement with the teacher, proposing essays on thematic areas different from those addressed during the lessons.

Criteria for writing and evaluating the paper are given here.

This module does not provide different assessments for attending and non-attending students.




The ability to argue in a critical, in-depth and original way - quoting names and definitions - combined with the possession of an expressive mastery, which demonstrates the learning of a specific language, as well as the mastery of analytical tools, will be assessed overall with marks of excellent range (28 / 30L).

The mechanical and / or mnemonic knowledge of the subject, combined with poorly articulated synthesis and analysis skills and / or an incorrect use of specific language, will lead to evaluations of a good range (24/27).

Obvious training gaps and / or inappropriate language - while showing a set of minimal knowledge of the exam material - will lead to grades that, depending on the case, will exceed the sufficiency, or a little more (18/23).

Training gaps, inappropriate language, lack of orientation within the bibliographic materials offered during the course, inability to argue, will be evaluated below sufficiency.


Teaching tools

During the lectures, multimedia and digital equipment (PCs, audiovisuals, projectors, online teaching platforms) will be used according to the teaching needs.

Office hours

See the website of Lucio Spaziante


Quality education Gender equality

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.