03668 - Neurology (LZ-C)

Academic Year 2023/2024

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: Single cycle degree programme (LMCU) in Medicine and Surgery (cod. 8415)

Learning outcomes

At the end of the course, the student knows the essential elements: - to identify the main diseases of the central and peripheral nervous system, through a correct anamnestic collection and appropriate clinical reasoning; - to differentiate abnormal objective signs from normal signs of the nervous system, to identify the anatomical site of the lesion and to make a diagnosis of disease; - to indicate the appropriate diagnostic investigations to confirm the initial diagnostic hypothesis and evaluate its limits of reliability and invasiveness; - to know and apply the main therapies, pharmacological and non-pharmacological, of neurological diseases.

Course contents

1) Balance and coordination disorders 2) Introduction to neurodegenerative diseases (neurobiology and molecular pathology) 3) Parkinson's disease and atypical parkinsonisms 4) Lumbar puncture and CSF diagnostics 5) Higher Cognitive Functions 6) Diseases associated with minor cognitive impairment (MCI) and dementia 7) Rapidly progressive dementia and encephalitis


Berardelli A, Cruccu G. La Neurologia della Sapienza. Esculapio, Edizione 2019

Core Curriculum Malattie del Sistema Nervoso. Ferrarese Carlo, Mac Graw Hill. Edizione 2011

Clinica Neurologica. Pazzaglia P. Esculapio. VII Edizione Ott. 2008

Teaching methods

Slide and video presentations

Assessment methods

The exam consists of an oral interview with at least two specific questions on distinct topics.

The oral exam aims to verify the degree of in-depth knowledge acquired and the student's ability to make the necessary logical-deductive connections.

Gradation of the final grade:

Preparation on a very limited number of topics addressed in the course and analytical skills that emerge only with the help of the teacher, expression in overall correct language → 18-19;
Preparation on a limited number of topics covered in the course and ability to analyze autonomously only on purely executive issues, expression in correct language → 20-24;
Preparation on a large number of topics covered in the course, ability to make autonomous choices of critical analysis, mastery of specific terminology → 25-29;
Substantially exhaustive preparation on the topics covered in the course, ability to make autonomous choices of critical analysis and connection, full mastery of specific terminology and ability to argue and self-reflect → 30-30L.

Teaching tools

All slides used in class are made available to students.

Office hours

See the website of Piero Parchi