29424 - Seminars (1) (LM)

Academic Year 2023/2024

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Geography and Territorial Processes (cod. 0971)

Learning outcomes

At the end of the course the student will have acquired specific skills and notions to address methodological and technical issues and problems of geographical representation.

Course contents

The seminars will provide an opportunity to learn theoretical aspects and practical skills on geographical research methodology, in relation to the preparation of the Master's thesis and of a research project.

The course is divided into two parts: after an introduction on research methodology, a series of meetings will follow in which the professors of the course and some external guests will present specific case studies, focusing in particular on the research methodologies they adopted.

Here is the list of the meetings:

18 Marzo, 13-15 Annaclaudia Martini, “Introduzione alle metodologie qualitative in geografia umana.”

19 Marzo, 11-13 Timothy Raeymaekers, “Etnografia in tempi instabili: l'osservazione partecipante nella pratica.”

20 Marzo, 11-13 Panos Bourlessas, “Metodi creativi, place-based e attivi nell'educazione geografica: verso soggettività critiche degli studenti?”

25 Marzo, 13-15 Martina Tazzioli, “Contro-cartografie della memoria: ripercorrere la rotta dei migranti da Trieste alla Francia.”

26 Marzo, 11-13 Viola Castellano, “Pratiche di etnografia collaborativa e pubblica tra opportunità e frizioni.”

27 Marzo, 11-13 Viola Castellano, “L'auto-etnografia come metodo per l'analisi dei regimi di confine.”

3 Aprile, 11-13 Marco Dubbini, “Geografia dell'Antardite: la ricerca scientifica italiana nel continente”

8 Aprile, 13-15 Elisa Magnani, “Cambiamenti climatici e migrazioni: una ricerca etnografica in Senegal.”

9 Aprile, 11-13 Andrea Zinzani, “Montagna e geografie: futuri contesi nelle Dolomiti.”

16 Aprile, 11-13 Valentina Gosetti, “Provincializzare la nostra visione del mondo attraverso la poesia.”

23 Aprile, 11-13 Noemi Bergesio, “Genere e posizionamento nella ricercar sul campo.”

24 Aprile, 11-13 Ottavia Cima, “Metodologie sensoriali: il corpo come strumento di ricerca nello studio dei processi di produzione urbana.”

30 Aprile, 11-13 Daniel Finch-Race, “Valutare il turismo valligiano attraverso le scienze umane per l’ambiente.”

6 Maggio, 13-15 Simone Vegliò, “Infrastrutture, urbanizzazione e flussi globali: uno sguardo da Buenos Aires.”

8 Maggio, 13-15 Dimitri Ioannides, “…..”

Assessment methods

Each seminar offers 0.5 CFU, therefore, to obtain the recognition of the 6 credits of the "Seminars" teaching activity, students must attend no less than 12 meetings among those proposed here (to which others will be added in the coming weeks) or even meetings offered by other Master Degree of the University of Bologna, upon request for authorization from Prof. Magnani (e.magnani@unibo.it).

All seminars might be attended online or in presence. At each seminar, students must ask the professors who is present in the classroom to sign the form"Modulo frequenza seminari", which can be dowloaded from the course teaching materials on Virtuale.unibo.it. In the case of meetings held online, some screenshots of those present will be made in order to verify the actual attendance.

For the evaluation of the "Seminars" teaching activity and the recognition of the "Idoneità", students must prepare a short essay - of around 20.000 characters - in which they will reflect on at least 2 of the topics proposed during the meetings, highlighting connections or critical issues and reporting perspectives and examples presented by the guests.

This essay must be sent to Prof. Magnani by email, who will evaluate it and record, in the event of a favorable outcome, the "idoneità" of the activity.

Office hours

See the website of Elisa Magnani


Quality education

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.