77817 - Principles of Urban Planning and Landscape Environmental Legislation M

Academic Year 2023/2024

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Ravenna
  • Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Engineering of Building Processes and Systems (cod. 8829)

Learning outcomes

At the end of the course the student is able to orientate himself/herself in the discipline of the government of the territory and of the landscape/environmental protection and knows the contents of the main laws on the subject and the functioning of the system of competences in the field of territory, landscape and environment among the various levels of the Public Administration, the constraints and the implementation procedures of the urban planning instrument, the basic elements of the building regulations. In particular, at the end of the course the student is able to identify and interpret the prescriptions to which an intervention of building or territorial transformation must adhere, in relation to what is established by the regulations and plans.

Course contents

The course aims at providing students with the tools for the knowledge of the urban planning discipline and of the landscape-environmental protection, not separated from the principles of the "city and territory culture" that preside over the correct urban, territorial and landscape planning. The course maintains a unitary vision between the object of planning (city, territory, landscape, environment) and the instruments that aim at its transformation in the historical-geographical continuity, and is therefore structured in several themes: principles of urban and territorial culture; analysis of the discipline of urban, territorial and landscape-environmental regulations, with hints at the legislative evolution; analysis of plans and projects of exemplary value, with openings on the international scene.

Legislation, plans and projects: town planning in Italian legislation (general regulatory plan, municipal structural plan, urban regulations, etc.); detailed executive plans for historical city cores; land and regional planning; European landscape convention, the Cultural Heritage and Landscape Code and landscape planning; national/regional parks plans; environment code and environmental assessment; public housing; "river contracts" in Europe; agricultural-urban parks; incremental and proactive protection of "territorial heritage", transmission of skills and knowledge, memorial and symbolic values (atlases, manuals for recovery, guidelines, "chartes architecturales et paysagères", "Ensembleschutz", figurative norms and new ways of regulating environmental, territorial and landscape transformations).

City and territory culture: city and environmental relations; geographic-physical and geographic-human interpretation of regional landscapes; peninsular and European agrarian landscapes; analysis of historical urban and territorial patterns; typological analysis in town planning; foundation rites in the ancient city; long-term settlement processes; utopian models of city and territory; the breakdown of environmental balances and the birth of town planning; the valley section; the contribution of local knowledge and popular action in planning and design.


To take the examination, the student studies one of the following texts. The student chooses the texts in direct consultation with the lecturers:

Ilaria Agostini, Giovanni Attili, Enzo Scandurra, Biosfera. Il pianeta che abitiamo, DeriveApprodi, Roma, 2020

Ilaria Agostini, Enzo Scandurra, Miserie e splendori dell'urbanistica, DeriveApprodi, Roma, 2018

Ilaria Agostini, Il diritto alla campagna. Rinascita rurale e rifondazione urbana, Ediesse, Roma, 2015

Ilaria Agostini, Daniele Vannetiello (a cura di), La conversione dell'abitare. Comunità, fertilità, sapienza, "L'Ecologist italiano", LEF, Firenze, 2015

Giovanni Attili, Enzo Scandurra (a cura di), Il pianeta degli urbanisti e dintorni, DeriveApprodi, Roma, 2013

Mauro Baioni, Ilaria Boniburini, Edoardo Salzano, La città non è solo un affare, Æmilia University Press, 2012

Paolo Baldeschi, Dalla razionalità all'identità. La pianificazione territoriale in Italia, Alinea, Firenze, 2002

Paolo Baldeschi, Paesaggio e territorio, Le Lettere, Firenze, 2011

Hans Bernoulli, La città e il suolo urbano, Corte del Fontego, Venezia, 2006

Paola Bonora, Fermiamo il consumo di suolo. Il territorio tra speculazione, incuria e degrado, Il Mulino, Bologna, 2015

Matilde Carrà, Wladimiro Gasparri, Carlo Marzuoli (a cura di), Diritto per il governo del territorio, il Mulino, Bologna, 2012

Vezio De Lucia, Se questa è una città. La condizione urbana nell'Italia contemporanea (1989), Donzelli, Roma, 2005

Marco D'Eramo, Il selfie del mondo. Indagine sull'età del turismo, Feltrinelli, Milano, 2017

Lucio Gambi, L'insediamento umano nella regione della bonifica romagnola, CNR, Roma, 1949 (Forni, Bologna, 2011)

Giuseppe Gisotti, La fondazione delle città. Scelte insediative da Uruk a New York, Carocci, Roma, 2016

Giorgio Grappi, Logistica, Ediesse, Roma, 2016

Maria Pia Guermandi, Umberto D’Angelo (a cura di), Il diritto alla città storica, atti del convegno (Roma, 12 novembre 2018), Associazione Ranuccio Bianchi Bandinelli, Roma, 2019

Alberto Magnaghi, Il progetto locale. Verso la coscienza di luogo, Bollati Boringhieri, Torino, 2010

Alberto Magnaghi, Il principio territoriale, Bollati Boringhieri, Torino, 2020

Riccardo Mariani, Il libro della città. Dalla città di rifugio alla città felice, Le Lettere, Firenze, 2004

Anna Marson, Archetipi di territorio, Alinea, Firenze, 2008

Edoardo Salzano, Fondamenti di urbanistica, Laterza, Roma-Bari, 2001

Emilio Sereni, Storia del paesaggio agrario italiano (1961), Laterza, Roma-Bari, 2010

Salvatore Settis, Paesaggio, Costituzione, cemento. La battaglia per l'ambiente contro il degrado civile, Einaudi, Torino, 2010

Hans Stimmann (a cura di), 1940-1953-1989-2000-2010. Berlino. Fisionomia di una grande città, Skira, Milano, 2000

Giancarlo Storto, La casa abbandonata. Il racconto delle politiche abitative dal piano decennale ai programmi per le periferie, Officina, Roma, 2018

Eugenio Turri, Semiologia del paesaggio italiano, Marsilio, Venezia, 2014

Daniele Vannetiello, Verso il progetto di territorio. Luoghi, città, architetture, Aión, Firenze, 2009

Teaching methods

Lectures, expert talks, seminars.

Assessment methods

The final interview covers:
- the topics covered during the course;
- a text chosen from the bibliography and agreed with the lecturers (during office hours or at the end of the lesson).

Office hours

See the website of Ilaria Agostini