- Docente: Mirella D'Ascenzo
- Credits: 8
- SSD: M-PED/02
- Language: Italian
- Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
- Campus: Bologna
Single cycle degree programme (LMCU) in
Primary teacher education (cod. 8540)
Also valid for Single cycle degree programme (LMCU) in Primary Teacher Education (cod. 5711)
from Sep 18, 2023 to Nov 16, 2023
Learning outcomes
At the end of the course students will:
know and understand the history of Italian school system since Italian unification to the present, considering both legislation and actual school;
know and understand the history of the teaching profession with a focus on the initial training and on-the-job training, the career mobility, the teachers' associations and the practical tools of the profession, also from the gender perspective;
know and undestand the historical dimension of didactics tools as school manuals, scholastic equipment or the management of the disscipline in the classroom;
understand the historical dimension of contents and tools of the school subjects;
know the recent debate related to the history of education and history of schooling.
Course contents
Why and when was the school born?
Who invented the classroom, the desk and the textbook? Why are there posters hanging on the wall?
How was geography, Italian and mathematics taught before today?
Which textbooks to choose and what is actually a textbook?
And above all: who was and who is the teacher today? How has the teaching profession been built historically?
Why are there more teachers today than there are teachers?
What is the use of school history for today's school?
The School History Course aims to promote knowledge of the genesis and development of the school as a complex institution made up of spaces, times, teaching tools, material culture, subjects, teachers, pupils and parents, in order to offer elements for historical-critical reflection. that makes teachers more aware of the transformations that have taken place and that have defined the profile of the current Italian school.
The Course will offer the essential coordinates of the evolution of the Italian school system from the Unification of Italy to today in the legislative aspects (useful for competitions and to navigate critically in the current school), institutional, cultural and pedagogical-didactic aspects, with specific attention to educational programs, teaching subjects, textbooks and school materiality, with particular regard to the indoor / outdoor dialectic and with a special focus on outdoor schools.
The leitmotif will be the historical-critical analysis of the evolution of teaching professionalism, also for women (initial and in progress training, identity and social mobility, associations and political participation) with particular attention to primary school and primary school biographies. childhood, including Bruno Ciari, whose centenary marks his birth in 2023.
Individual research will be promoted on magisterial biographies and on local school stories, also intended as a form of education to active citizenship and enhancement of the historical-educational heritage. N. B. This Program is 8 CFU for the academic year to. 2023-2024. Students in debt for an exam must refer to the Program of their academic year of the Course, identifiable through the drop-down menu.
Attendance of the course is particularly recommended, because it allows you to participate in an active and participatory manner, with the possibility of individualizing study and in-depth study paths. During the course the study texts and the recommended ways to study them will be fully explained.
The attendance is highly recommended. During the course, the volumes to sudy and the best way to do it will be extensively explained.
A) Attending students (students who will attend 2/3 of the lessons) must study the following 3 texts:
Mandatory for everyone
M. D’Ascenzo, Alberto Calderara. Microstoria di una professione docente tra Otto e Novecento, Bologna, CLUEB, 2011.
M. D’Ascenzo, Per una storia delle scuole all’aperto in Italia, Pisa, ETS, 2018.
A text chosen from the following
A. Ascenzi Drammi privati e pubbliche virtù. La maestra italiana dell'Ottocento tra narrazione letteraria e cronaca giornalistica ETS, Pisa, ETS, 2019.
A.Bernardini, Un anno a Pietralata, Firenze, La Nuova Italia, 1968 (oppure Edizioni Conoscenza, 2019).
P. Bianchini, Le origini delle materie. Discipline, programmi e manuali scolastici in Italia, Torino, SEI, 2011 (solo introduzione e due capitoli a scelta).
G. Chiosso, Il fascismo e i maestri, Milano, Mondadori Education, 2023.
B. Ciari, I modi dell’insegnare, Roma, Editori Riuniti, 1972.
F. Codello, I. Stella, Liberi di imparare. Le esperienze di scuola non autoritaria in Italia e all’estero raccontate dai protagonisti, Firenze, Aam Editrice Terra Nuova, 2011.
M. D’Ascenzo, Col libro in mano. Maestri, editoria e vita scolastica tra Otto e Novecento, Torino, SEI, 2013 (escluso il capitolo II). Il volume è scaricabile al seguente link http://campus.unibo.it/id/eprint/293742
M. D'Ascenzo, R. Vignoli, Scuola, didattica e musei tra Otto e Novecento. Il Museo didattico 'Luigi Bombicci' di Bologna, Bologna, CLUEB, 2008 (primi tre capitoli).
M. D’Ascenzo, Tra centro e periferia. La scuola elementare a Bologna dalla Daneo-Credaro all’avocazione statale (1911-1933), Bologna, Clueb, 2012 (esclusi i capp. 1 e 2).
M. D’Ascenzo (a cura di), Tutti a scuola? L’istruzione elementare nella pianura bolognese tra Otto e Novecento, Bologna, CLUEB, 2013 (studiare fino a p. 69 e scegliere altri due saggi).
M. D’Ascenzo, F. Ventura, Cento anni della Scuola Sacro Cuore di Borgo Panigale a Bologna. Un’esperienza di storia e memoria scolastica collettiva, Roma, TAB, 2022.
M. D'Ascenzo, C. De Santis, S. Loiero (a cura di), L'eredità di Mario Lodi per la scuola del Duemila, Roma, Tab edizioni, 2023 in open access al link https://www.tabedizioni.it/shop/product/leredita-di-mario-lodi-per-la-scuola-del-duemila-1312
M. D’Ascenzo, G. Ventura (a cura di), Dalla parte delle maestre. La stagione pedagogica di Virginia Predieri, Lecce, Pensa Multimedia, 2016 (solo introduzione e primi tre capitoli).
C. Edwards, L. Gandini, G. Forman, I cento linguaggi dei bambini. L’approccio di Reggio Emilia all’educazione dell’infanzia, Bergamo, Junior, 1995.
R. Farnè, Alberto Manzi. L’avventura di un maestro, Bologna, BUP, 2011.
R. S. Di Pol, L’istruzione infantile in Italia. Dal Risorgimento alla Riforma Moratti, Torino, MarcoValerio, 2005.
R. S. Di Pol, Cultura pedagogica e professionalità nella formazione del maestro italiano. Dal Risorgimento ai giorni nostri, Torino, Marco Valerio, 2003.
A.Escolano Benito, La cultura empirica della scuola, Ferrara, Volta la Carta, 2016.
J. Meda, Mezzi di educazione di massa. Saggi di storia della cultura materiale della scuola tra XIX e XX secolo, Milano, FrancoAngeli, 2016 (solo introduzione e due capitoli a scelta).
R. Nigrisoli, La mia scuola, a cura di F. Borruso, Milano, Unicopli, 2011.
L. Paciaroni Memorie di scuola. Contributo a una storia delle pratiche didattiche ed educative nelle scuole marchigiane attraverso le testimonianze di maestri e maestre (1945-1985) Eum, Macerata, 2020.
D. Ragazzini, Tempi di scuola e tempi di vita. Organizzazione sociale e scolarizzazione dell’infanzia, Versione 2.0., GoWare, 2012 (versione digitale).
M. Rossi Doria, Di mestiere faccio il maestro, Napoli, L'ancora del Mediterraneo, 1999.
O. Rossi Casottana, Giuseppina Pizzigoni e la ‘Rinnovata’ di Milano, Brescia, La Scuola, 2004.
M. I. Salviati, Mario Lodi maestro, con pagine scelte da "C'è speranza se questo accade al Vho" Giunti, Firenze, 2015.
S. Santamaita, Storia della scuola. Dalla scuola al sistema formativo, introd. di R. Laporta, Milano-Torino, Pearson, 2021.
A. Ventura, “Incorreggibilmente birboni? La vita nelle scuole elementari nel quartiere Barca di Bologna nelle carte degli archivi scolastici, Macerata, eum, 2021.
G. Zavalloni, La pedagogia della lumaca. Per una scuola lenta e nonviolenta
Bologna, EMI, 2008.
B) Non attending students (students who will not attend 2/3 of the lessons) must study:
- S. Santamaita, Storia della scuola, Torino, Pearson, 2021.
- M. D’Ascenzo, Alberto Calderara. Microstoria di una professione docente tra Otto e Novecento, Bologna, Clueb, 2011.
- M. D’Ascenzo, Per una storia delle scuole all’aperto in Italia, Pisa, Edizioni ETS, 2018.
Erasmus students who are coming from different courses of study are invited to contact the professor directly by mail or during the weekly teacher's office hours to define ad hoc coursework and exam methods.
Teaching methods
Frontal lectures will introduce the Course with the help of materials and films with the function of deepening and stimulating discussion, which is highly valued for critical learning.
In addition to the frontal lecture, different methodolgies are planned, aimed at acquiring the contents of school history in a more participatory way. For example, reading of texts by Bruno Ciari and participation in the National Conference on Bruno Ciari entitled 'The Ways of Teaching' between School and Society. The Legacy of Bruno Ciari' to be held on October 24, 2023 in the Stabat Mater Hall of the Archiginnasio Municipal Library in Bologna on the occasion of the centenary of the birth of the important teacher protagonist of Italian schooling after World War II.
In November there will be a guided tour of the Educational Science Museum 'Luigi Bombicci' in Bologna, a jewel of nineteenth-century didactics still used today as a classroom of the Municipality of Bologna. both initiatives are included in the THA co-construction of a semistructured interview with a former teacher of the area to collect her school memory and reason about the continuity and discontinuity of teaching practices, useful for the preparation of the interview scheduled in the Internship of the V ano of SFP.
It will be possible to agree on individual or small group research paths on the historical educational heritage.
Assessment methods
The examination will consist of an oral test for attending students on the volumes and topics covered during the Course.
The examination will be in written form for non-attending students.In this case, the verification of learning and acquisition of knowledge by written test will be of 120 minutes duration.
It is structured around three questions to be answered in the short answer essay formula.
To pass the exam, all three questions must be answered.
Each single answer will be evaluated out of thirty; the final grade will be given by the arithmetic average of the partial votes. The final grade will be out of thirty.
The outcome of the exam will be communicated on the "Almaesami" platform.
The criteria used for the evaluation of the exam, both oral and written, will refer to the following indicators:
1. ability to analyze a topic in a way that is relevant to each question, well organized, concise and exhaustive
2. ability to express oneself with conceptual clarity and linguistic correctness, also using the specific language of the discipline
3. ability to critically elaborate and argue personal reflections, also with reference to meetings in the classroom and activities carried out outside.
ATTENTION: To take the exam, it is necessary to register through the "Almaesami" platform in compliance with the deadlines set. Those who fail to register due to technical problems by the scheduled date are required to promptly notify the teaching secretariat of the problem (and in any case before the official closure of the registration lists). It will be the faculty of the teacher to admit them to take the test.
Teaching tools
The lectures will make use of visual aids such as power points and inenrential films, including mateirals on the website of the Interdisciplinary Research Center for History and MEmory of School and Education - CRISMESE.
A 'Virtual' platform will be set up with materials visible to students enrolled in the School History Course, also useful for exam preparation for non-attending students.
Participation in the Conference on Bruno Ciari and a guided tour of the Bombicci Museum are intended as alternative educational modes, to which will be added additional educational outings and participation in a group research activity related to intangible school heritage.
Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
Office hours
See the website of Mirella D'Ascenzo
This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.