37344 - General Surgery 2 (A-K)

Academic Year 2023/2024

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: Single cycle degree programme (LMCU) in Medicine and Surgery (cod. 8415)

Learning outcomes

At the end of the course, the student:

- knows the peculiarities of the surgical approach to the elderly patient with the analysis of specific topics developed in order to acquire methods, instruments and documentation for differential diagnostics and the setting of the therapeutic plan in the old;

- knows, in general, the surgical procedures that are usually adopted in the elderly patient, with particular for the mini invasive approaches and techniques;

- is familiar, in the field of oncology, with the therapeutic procedures associated with geriatric surgery for a multidisciplinary strategy in relation to cancer specificity.

Course contents

1) Pathophysiology of old age

2) Preoperative assessment of the elderly patient: the surgical risk

3) Gallbladder stones and their complications

4) Subsidence disorders in support structures

5) Surgical oncology of the digestive system

6) Principles of emergency surgery

7) Organ donors and liver and kidney transplants


1) Teaching material used for lessons (slides)

2) Principles of Internal Medicine (Harrison’s)

Teaching methods

Lectures as per calendar and direct involvement of students in the presentation of topics of interest.

Assessment methods

Oral examination on course' program.

The partial marks obtained on the above topics contribute to the final vote together with the partial marks obtained on the remaining programmes of the Intergrato MAU Course in a proportional way to the credits.

Teaching tools

Slides used for carrying out the lessons that will be delivered to the students at the end of the single lesson, or at the end of the course (depending on the requests received).

Permission to record the lessons in the classroom.

Office hours

See the website of Matteo Ravaioli