Foto del docente

Matteo Ravaioli

Associate Professor

Department of Medical and Surgical Sciences

Academic discipline: MEDS-06/A General Surgery

Short Bio

Aug 2010 to Present Staff Liver Transplant Surgeon/Chief of Kidney Transplant S. Orsola Hospital

Bologna, Italy; Since 2013, personally performs: 30 to 40 liver transplants per year; 50 to 80 liver resections per year; and 60 to 70 kidney transplants (20 from living donors) per year. Also performs general surgery procedures like laparoscopic appendectomy, laparoscopic cholecystectomy, colo-rectal surgery, hernia repair, and gastric resections.

His h-index is 52, according to Scopus and he is author or co-authors of more than 300 papers indexed on Pub-Med with a total impact factors of more than 650.

Has had the qualification for Associate Professor since 2013 and for Full Professor since 2017. The main field of research are liver transplantation and liver resection. Recently investigated a machine for organ perfusion and has a national grant for ongoing study of this topic. He was a coordinator of a study on micro-RNA and hepatocellular carcinoma with regional grant.

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+39 051 2144810

Dipartimento di Scienze Mediche e Chirurgiche
Via Massarenti 9, Bologna - Go to map

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