28129 - Italian Drama and Theatre Literature (1) (LM)

Academic Year 2023/2024

Learning outcomes

At the end of the course, students should know the italian dramatic literature, expecially from XVIth to XXth century. They will be able to discuss the most important authors and texts, to put them in historical perspective, and to improve their cultural competency about modern italian theatre, with special attention to the performance (mis-en-scene).

Course contents

Part 1 (30 hours - teacher: Sebastiana Nobili). Theatrical works in medieval and modern Italy: an introduction.

Part 2 (30 hours - teacher: Nicola Bonazzi). Drama and mis-en-scene in modern and contemporary italian theatre.


a. History of theatre
Silvana Sinisi - Isabella Innamorati, Storia del teatro. Lo spazio scenico dai greci alle avanguardie, Milano, Bruno Mondadori, 2003.

Roberto Alonge, Nuovo manuale di storia del teatro. Quell’oscuro oggetto del desiderio, Torino, UTET, 2008, pp. 63-74 (Il secondo Cinquecento e la Commedia dell’Arte); pp. 167-179 (Settecento: la nascita del dramma borghese); pp. 244-254 (Primo Novecento: le avanguardie e la centralità di Pirandello).

b. Italian dramas and comedies

Slides and notes from the lessons will be procured online, at the end of the course, on the website virtuale.unibo.it

N.B. Students that don't attend the lectures must also read the following texts:

6 credits exam:

Niccolò Machiavelli, La mandragola.

Ludovico Ariosto, Cassaria.

Carlo Goldoni, Il ventaglio.

Vittorio Alfieri, Mirra.

Luigi Pirandello, Enrico IV.

12 credits exam:

Niccolò Machiavelli, La mandragola.

Pietro Aretino, La cortigiana.

Ludovico Ariosto, Cassaria.

Carlo Goldoni, Il ventaglio.

Carlo Goldoni, La locandiera.

Vittorio Alfieri, Mirra.

Vittorio Alfieri, Saul.

Luigi Pirandello, Enrico IV.

Luigi Pirandello, Sei personaggi in cerca d'autore.

Eduardo de Filippo, Natale in casa Cupiello.

Teaching methods

The lectures will focus on general problems concerning the major authors of comedies and dramas of the italian tradition, from Middle Age to XXth century.

Assessment methods

The oral exam will concern the most important authors of the italian theatrical works presented in the teacher's lectures, and analysed in the recommended readings.

Teaching tools




Office hours

See the website of Claudia Sebastiana Nobili


Quality education Reduced inequalities

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.