29479 - History of Emilia-Romagna in the Middle Ages (1) (LM)

Academic Year 2023/2024

  • Docente: Francesca Pucci Donati
  • Credits: 6
  • SSD: M-STO/01
  • Language: Italian
  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in History and Oriental Studies (cod. 8845)

Learning outcomes

The student at the end of the module acquires in-depth and specific knowledge of regional history. The student acquires a thorough knowledge, chronologically oriented, according to a critical and problematic approach. Students will show awareness of the importance of historical memory in contemporary culture, and will understand the most important historical-political and institutional dynamics that characterized the region in the Middle Ages.

Course contents

The programme concerns the topic of road networks and hospitality in the Emilia-Romagna region during the Middle Ages untill the beginning of the modern age. After the first general classes on the events that marked the institutional, political, religious and cultural history of the territory, the attention will be focused on the study of the road networks, built around the urban centres as well as the trade hubs. Many medieval shelters (public, private and especially religious) rose along these road networks; they offered welcoming spaces and services (free and/or paid) for travelers, such as pilgrims, merchants, ambassadors, rulers with theirs courts, etc. The spread of the hospitality structures and the diversified quality of the services offered on the area still represent one of the most significant aspects of the history of the region. The aim of the course is therefore to provide, after a first part, introductive and general, a historiographical assessment of the topic "road networks and hospitality", and to examine a number of case-studies (and their sources), located throughout the emiliana area and the romagnola area, between the 11th and the 16th century. 


The presence in class is very important in the learning and assessment process. Some starting hours will be dedicated to the presentation of the chief sources and studies thanks to which it was possible to write the general history of Emilia and Romagna in the examined period.



- A. Vasina, L'area emiliana e romagnola, in "Storia d'Italia diretta da G. Galasso", seventh volume, first tome (entitled Comuni e signorie nell'Italia nordorientale e centrale: Veneto, Emilia-Romagna e Toscana), Torino, UTET, 1987, pp. 361-559. This fundamental essay is (was) published as: A. VASINA, Comuni e signorie in Emilia e in Romagna. Dal secolo XI al secolo XV, Torino, UTET, 1986. 

- L. Mascanzoni, Società, insediamenti, territorio e viabilità a Bagnacavallo nei secoli XIII-XV, in Storia di Bagnacavallo, a cura di A. Calbi, G. Susini, A. Donati, A. Vasina, C. Casanova, vol. I, Bologna 1994, pp. 177-196.

- L. Mascanzoni, Imola, il culto iacobeo e il pellegrinaggio compostellano, in «Compostella. Rivista del Centro italiano di studi compostellani», n. 24 (gennaio-giugno 1998), pp. 15-26.

- La viabilità appenninica dall'Età Antica ad oggi, Atti delle giornate di studio (12 luglio, 2, 8, 12 agosto, 13 settembre 1997), a cura di P. Foschi, E. Penoncini e R. Zagnoni, Porretta Terme, Gruppo di studi Alta valle del Reno, Pistoia, Società pistoiese di storia patria, 1998. The following essays must be prepared for the oral exam: pages 101-110 (author: R. Zagnoni); 79-100 (author: P. Foschi); 127-166 (authors: G. Bertocchi- A. Giacomelli).

- Un'area di strada: l'Emilia occidentale nel Medioevo. Ricerche storiche e riflessioni metodologiche, a cura di R. Greci, Bologna, Clueb, 2000. The following essays must be prepared for the oral exam: pages 3-12 (author: G. Sergi); 117-136 (author: R. Greci); 291-305 (author: M.R. Rocchetta); 307-331 (author: M. Gazzini).

- G. Albini, Strade e ospitalità, ponti e ospedali di ponte nell'Emilia occidentale (secc. XII-XIV), in Studi sull'Emilia occidentale nel Medioevo: società e istituzioni, a cura di R. Greci, Bologna, Clueb, 2001, pp. 205-251.



- A. Vasina, L'area emiliana e romagnola, in "Storia d'Italia diretta da G. Galasso", seventh volume, first tome (entitled Comuni e signorie nell'Italia nordorientale e centrale: Veneto, Emilia-Romagna e Toscana), Torino, UTET, 1987, pp. 361-559. This fundamental essay is (was) published as: A. VASINA, Comuni e signorie in Emilia e in Romagna. Dal secolo XI al secolo XV, Torino, UTET, 1986.

- L. Mascanzoni, Imola, il culto iacobeo e il pellegrinaggio compostellano, in «Compostella. Rivista del Centro italiano di studi compostellani», n. 24 (gennaio-giugno 1998), pp. 15-26.

- Un'area di strada: l'Emilia occidentale nel Medioevo. Ricerche storiche e riflessioni metodologiche, a cura di R. Greci, Bologna, Clueb, 2000. The following essays must be prepared for the oral exam: pages 3-12 (author: G. Sergi); 117-136 (author: R. Greci); 291-305 (author: M.R. Rocchetta); 307-331 (author: M. Gazzini).

- G. Albini, Strade e ospitalità, ponti e ospedali di ponte nell'Emilia occidentale (secc. XII-XIV), in Studi sull'Emilia occidentale nel Medioevo: società e istituzioni, a cura di R. Greci, Bologna, Clueb, 2001, pp. 205-251.

- L. Mascanzoni, La crociata contro Francesco Ordelaffi nello specchio della storiografia. Exsurgant Insuper Christi Milites, Bologna, Pàtron Editore, 2017.

- R. Pallotti, Castelli e poteri signorili nella Romagna settentrionale (secoli XI-XIII), Cesena, Società Editrice "Il Ponte Vecchio", 2018.



Teaching methods

The basic method is characterized by frontal lessons. Since it is a regional history, the teacher will use historical and geographic maps.

Besides, the course includes the active participation of attending students. They have to prepare a written work concerning the topic of road networks and hospitality in the emiliano-romagnola region between the medieval age and the beginning of the modern era, and present it (in the form of power point or similar) in class by the end of the course.

Assessment methods

Students who attend at least 75% of the lessons are considered attending students (12 lessons out of 15 lessons). The exam consists of an oral test. The oral examination is meant to value the critical and methodological skills of the student. The student should be able to consult the sources and the bibliography in order to underline the most important aspects of the subject. The abilities of the student to know the sources and the bibliography in order to draw useful informations about the subject will be very appreciate and highly evaluated. A deep knowledge of the subject, a critical overview of it and a specific language will bring to excellent marks. A summary knowledge of the subject, a moderate synthesis and an approximate language will bring to good marks. Formative gaps and unappropriate language will bring to sufficient marks. Formative gaps, unappropriate language and unhability to consult the sources and bibliography will bring to insufficient marks.

This 6 CFU course can be chosen as a part of the 12 CFU Integrated Course "Storia regionale e civiltà urbana" (C.I.) (LM)". If the student has the Integrated Course (12 CFU) in his/her study plan, the final grade will be the result from the arithmetic average of the marks obtained in the two parts ("Storia dell'Emilia-Romagna nel Medioevo (1) (LM)" and "Storia delle città (2) (LM)").

Teaching tools

Teaching tools such as power point, maps and sources will be provided during the classes and uploaded on the course webpage.

Office hours

See the website of Francesca Pucci Donati