03857 - General Sociology

Academic Year 2023/2024

  • Moduli: Giovanna Russo (Modulo 1) Luca Guizzardi (Modulo 2)
  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures (Modulo 1) Traditional lectures (Modulo 2)
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Exercise and Sport Sciences (cod. 8512)

Learning outcomes

At the end of the course the student is able to analyze the main contemporary social phenomena,
through the fundamental concepts of sociological theory and methodology, and many examples of various classical and recent research. In particular, the student is able to: - evaluate and identify motor activities and sport as social phenomena, produced by the changes in modern society,
understand the reasons for the growth of social relevance of sports and motor practices in the near future due to the increase in free time, the search for well-being and better care of the body and one's image

Course contents

The course aims to provide the fundamental theoretical and practical tools to sociologically analyze sport and motor activity. In fact, sport will be studied as a complex social phenomenon (1° part: according to the main theories of the sociological approach; as a modern phenomenon of culture and communication; as a socialization and education agency; as a value system; as a phenomenon of wellness consumption.

In second part sport will present as a powerful cement or at least a model of integration for "young people from the suburban" (Gasparini, 2008), and an instrument of citizenship for foreign populations. Sports activities allow intercultural dialogue without requiring perfect knowledge of the language of the host country. In this way the learning difficulties decrease, while opportunities for socialization emerge. Sports associations as well as sports NGOs have in fact promoted numerous mechanisms open to immigrants, but their positive effects are often unknown to the general public and researchers.

The 2 part of course aims to investigate, on the one hand, the processes that lead to the creation of integration programs for newly arrived migrants who practice sports and physical activities, and on the other hand, to understand the meaning of the actions and the effects they produce both with respect to migrants and the host society.


For the final exam, the study of the following texts is required:

a) First module. Sport as a social and sociological phenomenon

Martelli S. and Porro, N. New manual of Sociology of sport and physical activity, FrancoAngeli, Milan, 2018 (the previous edition is fine too) only chapters 1, 2, 3.

b) Second module. Sport and social integration

Russo G. (a cura di), Dossier Sport e immigrazione, nr. monografico di Africa e Mediterraneo, nr. 84, 2016

Teaching methods

Lectures and case studies illustrated with the help of new communication technologies, films, presence of sector experts

Assessment methods

The exam will take place in the form of a written paper, ie by answering five questions made available on the online platform in the last week of the course. The editing methods will be illustrated in the first lesson of the course.

The paper must be sent during the regular exam session:

winter session January-February: by 28 February 2023

summer session June-July: by 31 July 2023

autumn session: by 30 September 2023

The results will be published in 'online teaching' in the following weeks.

Thanks to the anti-plagiarism programs made available by unibo, the teacher will check for any copies in the text and without citation. In the answers, all citations must be enclosed in quotation marks ("...") or corporal ("...") and report - clearly and unambiguously - the source from which they were taken, indicating the author, the title of the text and the page. Otherwise, the paper will not be accepted.

Teaching tools

Video projections of the main contents of the lessons in the form of Power Point presentations.
Educational and research materials available on Internet

Office hours

See the website of Giovanna Russo

See the website of Luca Guizzardi


Good health and well-being Quality education Gender equality Sustainable cities

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.