- Docente: Giovanni Barbara
- Credits: 5
- Language: Italian
- Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
- Campus: Bologna
- Corso: Single cycle degree programme (LMCU) in Medicine and Surgery (cod. 8415)
from Oct 24, 2023 to Dec 13, 2023
Learning outcomes
At the end of the course the student knows the general principles of physiopathology as far as concerns the need for interpretation of future clinical activity. In particular, the knowledge of these basic elements allows a complete understanding of the elements that underlie the altered functioning of organs and systems from which both semiological and clinical aspects derive. The student will also be able to deal correctly with the clinical approach to the patient with regard to the component of physical objectivity, with an ability to autonomously evaluate different systems and in relation to the knowledge of the research procedure of clinical methodologies. The integration between the knowledge of clinical pathophysiology and semeiotics can become a student able to understand and deal with the elementary bases of diseases in a preparatory way for the future development of the course of study.
Course contents
Methodology and medical systematics with principles of semeiotics of the following organs / systems:
- Gastrointestinal (abdominal pain, bloating, constipation, diarrhea, gastrointestinal bleeding, nausea, vomiting, food allergies and intolerances, celiac disease)
- Endocrine (hyper-hypo-thyroidism, hyper-hypo-parathyroidism, cushing's syndrome, Addison's M, diabetes mellitus)
- Neurological (syncope)
- Respiratory system
- Lymphatic system
Semeiotica medica nell'adulto e nell'anziano. Metodologia clinica di esplorazione morfofunzionale Giovanni Fradà
Teaching methods
Lezioni frontali, seminari
Assessment methods
The final exam of the Internal Medicine teaching consists in the oral presentation of topics included among those covered in class. The student is assessed on the basis of the demonstrated ability to present the specific issues in a concise and complete way, with some ideas for critical analysis. The partial mark of the module contributes to the final mark out of thirty, an average weighted with respect to the partial marks of the other modules of the Integrated Course. The student is assessed on the basis of the demonstrated ability to present the specific issues in a concise and complete way, with some ideas for critical analysis. The partial grade of the module contributes to the final mark out of thirty, an average weighted with respect to the partial grades of the other modules of the Integrated Course.
Teaching tools
The teaching material presented in class will be made available in electronic format.
Office hours
See the website of Giovanni Barbara