34444 - Training in Prosthodontics 4

Academic Year 2023/2024

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: Single cycle degree programme (LMCU) in School of Dentistry (cod. 8204)

Learning outcomes

After completing the internship, the student has attended to the clinical activity of the Section of Prosthodontics and possesses a competence that enables him to understand and rehabilitate complex clinical cases with prosthetic rehabilitation.

Course contents

During the internship, the student will treat clinical cases to rehabilitate with fixed (on natural teeth or implants) and removable (partial or complete) prosthesis. All cases will be documented by photographic documentation and presented for the final examination at the end of internship. The student will make clinical impressions with analogic methodology; will develop stone models and will register inter-maxillary records of dentate patients. Moreover, digital impressions with different CAD-CAM systems available. In the laboratory the student will manufacture an indirect and a direct provisional.


Video-tutorials on the digital impression and on the construction of the provisional are available on the ION platform of Unibo

Teaching methods

The clinical practice will be associated to briefings before and after the treatment of the patient.

The clinical practice is tutored by experts who explain the treatment planning and guide the clinical operation on the patient

Assessment methods

During the course midterms evaluations will be done to test the achievements of partial results. At the end of the internship, the student will be evaluated using his/her photographic documentation of the clinical cases, to document the theoretical and practical skills acquired during the internship.

The dedication and the diligence during the clinical internship will be also evaluated

Teaching tools

Digital intraoral scanning systems.

Chairside digital system

Technical laboratory

Photographic camera

Office hours

See the website of Lorenzo Breschi