Academic Year 2022/2023

Learning outcomes

The student knows the advanced techniques for language service provision in one or more professional settings; s/he is able to analyze and critically assess language services in one or more professional settings, and suggest improvement strategies; s/he is able to acquire further skills related to linguistics, translation and technology, as well as other disciplines of relevance to her/his studies, through interaction with professionals from a range of fields.

Course contents

During the course, the activities planned within the "Collective translation workshop between Italian and Spanish: memory, migration and integration in children's literature texts between Italy and Argentina" will take place. The workshop will be carried out in collaboration with Universidad Nacional de Rosario (Argentina), as an innovative project according to Unibo call for proposals "Innovative Projects in the Context of International Cooperation Agreements" for the academic year 2022-'23.
It includes an initial thematic and methodological part with regard to the areas of children's literature, translation of children's literature, gender issues and implications in children's literature, migrant literature, publishing techniques and practices, etc.. It is structured in a cycle of weekly seminars delivered during the I semester. Subsequently, in the second semester, collaborative and collective translation workshops between Spanish and Italian will take place. During this part of the course, both DIT students and students from some of UNR's Bachelor's and Master's degrees (e.g., Licenciatura en Traductorado - Degree in Translation, Licenciatura en Italiano - Degree in Italian as a Foreign Language, Master's in Literatura para niños - Master's in Children's Literature, etc.) will be actively involved. These laboratories will operate in a blended mode, coordinated and methodologically supported by the professor herself, in collaboration with UNR colleagues. During this workshop, students will approach the translation of short texts of children's literature starting with the analysis of the source texts and then moving on to group translation and revision. At the conclusion of the entire course, i.e. the methodological and thematic study of the I semester and the workshop of the II semester, a Summer School is planned to which students will be invited to participate, even though it is not part of the course. In it, they will be able to finalize the translation process, share best practices, explore multicultural, linguistic and disciplinary issues, and present the results of the collaborative work to the rest of the participants. Finally, it is expected that the texts translated during the workshop will be published in a bilingual edition with notes and/or comments by the translators participating in the workshop in an Argentine publishing house.


Alvstad, Cecilia & Johnsen, Åse (eds.) (2014), "La traducción de la literatura infantil y juvenil", Trans, 18 <https://revistas.uma.es/index.php/trans/article/view/3242/2992>

Andruetto, Maria Teresa (2014), Per una letteratura senza aggettivi, Modena, Equilibri.

Bazzocchi, Gloria & Tonin, Raffaella (eds.) (2015), Mi traduci una storia?, Bologna, BUP.

Di Giovanni, Elena & Elefante, Chiara (eds.) (2010), Writing and Traslatino for Children, Bruxelles, Peter Lang.

Pascua Febles, Isable (1998), La adaptación el la traducción de la literatura infantil, Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Servicio de Publicaciones.

Pederzoli, Roberta & Illuminati Valeria (eds.) (2021), Tra genere e generi. Tradurre e pubblicare testi per ragazze e ragazzi, Milano, FrancoAngeli.

Valero Cuadra, Pino, Marcelo Wirnitzer, Gisela & Pérez Vicente, Nuria (eds.) (2022), "Traducción e intermedialidad en literatura infantil y juvenil (LIJ): orígenes, evolución y nuevas tendencias", MonTI, 14 -Numero especial <https://www.e-revistes.uji.es/index.php/monti/issue/view/370/166>

Teaching methods

The course will include both frontal lectures, i.e., the seminars in the I semester focusing on topics related to the translation of children's literature, and interactive lessons during the workshop in the II semester. The workshop will focus on different stages of the translation process carried out in a collaborative way. Students from both universities (Unico and UNR) will work divided into small groups and will be supervised by the teacher. During the workshop, activities will include pre-translative analysis, documentation, in-depth study of the translation and publishing chain and peritestual components, translation process, revision, methodological insights by the lecturer, etc. Active and purposeful participation on the part of the student in all phases of the course is required, in order not only to develop a high level of translation competence, but also some of the soft skills required in the working world, such as the ability to listen, team work ,  problem solving,  etc., as well as creativity, although limited by the constraints of the source text and the dynamics of interaction with the peritestual components.
Classes in Semester II are held in the computer lab, so that each student is equipped with a PC with Internet connection to enable collaborative work via videoconference with the University of Rosario (UNR).
In view of the type of activities and teaching methods adopted, the attendance of this training activity requires the prior participation of all students in modules 1 and 2 of training on safety in the workplace, [https://elearning-sicurezza.unibo.it/ ] in e-learning mode.

Assessment methods

In order to demonstrate successful learning of the various skills related to this teaching, two assignments will be evaluated, assigning a value corresponding to 50 percent of the overall grade to both. Specifically, these will be a group translation and an individual paper, due by the end of the second semester. The length of both is commensurate with a number of factors: in the case of the translation assignment, the difficulty of the source text, the number of participants in the group, etc.; in the case of the individual project, to the textual type and content chosen by the student and approved by the lecturer (commentary on the translation, in-depth thematic study, methodological reflection on the dynamics of the workshop, etc.).

Teaching tools

Semester I classes will be held in a classroom equipped with video projector and Internet connection; semester II classes will be held in a classroom equipped with individual computers and Internet connection.

Office hours

See the website of Raffaella Tonin


Quality education Gender equality Reduced inequalities

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.