90171 - Biology and Genetics Lab-based Course (A)

Academic Year 2022/2023

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Ravenna
  • Corso: Single cycle degree programme (LMCU) in Medicine and Surgery (cod. 5906)

Learning outcomes

At the end of the course, the student has learned the main methods of cellular biology and general and molecular genetics applied to biomedical sciences. In particular, the student knows the applications and the limits of the main techniques used in cell biology, with particular attention to cell cultures, biotechnologies and the use of transgenic animals. The student has learned to recognize the elements of a gene in a real DNA sequence and is able to consult the major online molecular genetic banks; the student has performed a simple DNA extraction, and has discussed the rational basis of the method; the student is able to set up an experiment of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) to amplify DNA. The student has learned to reconstruct a path that from experimental data lead to the construction of the current basic knowledge and to evaluate the methodological aspects of knowledge by taking a critical approach to the study.

Course contents

The Laboratory of Biology and Genetics is organized in theoretical-practical activities aimed at examining several aspects of the translational medicine: from research to clinical application. These activities are complementary to the frontal lessons and are designed to create an integrated path between Biology and Genetics, shared by the teachers. The student will have the opportunity to approach the theoretical topics, addressed in classroom, from an experimental point of view. The student will focus the attention on some molecular and cellular biology technologies that have led to fundamental biological-genetic discoveries and which continue to be used in the biomedical field, understanding the importance of these technologies in the basic sciences and in the translational medicine. The student will also use multi-media systems and will learn to use software and databases useful for solving the biological problems posed.


Protocols, articles and schemes from medical journals provided by the teacher.

Teaching methods

- Virtual experiences, movies, teamwork.
- Use of databases
- Practical laboratory experiences
As concerns the teaching methods of this course unit, all students must attend Module 1, 2 on Health and Safety online.

Assessment methods

Discussion at the end of each activity. In the final examination, a discussion of theoretical-practical activities may be required.

Teaching tools

- Slides with images and schemes

- Databases and tutorials available online and software

- Scientific articles

Office hours

See the website of Provvidenza Maria Abruzzo