37201 - Metabolic Biochemistry

Academic Year 2022/2023

  • Moduli: Maria Luisa Genova (Modulo 1) Antonello Lorenzini (Modulo 2)
  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures (Modulo 1) Traditional lectures (Modulo 2)
  • Campus: Forli
  • Corso: Single cycle degree programme (LMCU) in Medicine and Surgery (cod. 5905)

Learning outcomes

At the end of the course the student will know: the essential elements of the intermediate metabolism of the main biological molecules (carbohydrates, lipids and nitrogenous compounds), the interrelationships and energy modifications as well as the cellular localization, compartmentalization and regulation of the main metabolic pathways; the molecular mechanisms of cellular activity regulation with particular regard to the intracellular signal transduction and the function of hormones, other extracellular messengers and vitamins at the metabolic and gene level; the metabolic specialization of the various human tissues and organs as a prerequisite for the knowledge of their specific functions; the biochemical principles that are the basis of nutrition in humans with particular regard to the molecular mechanisms of digestion and absorption of nutrients and essential nutrients with references to nutrigenomics.

Course contents

The program of the course 37201-METABOLIC BIOCHEMISTRY is in continuity with the topics of biochemistry already introduced in the course 37200-CHEMISTRY AND GENERAL BIOCHEMISTRY and will be developed in a coordinated manner by two teachers in charge of the teaching modules M1 and M2, respectively.

Lectures will be given in Italian (cf. link for details on the course topics)


Suggested readings:

  • Nelson D., Cox M.M.
    I PRINCIPI DI BIOCHIMICA DI LEHNINGER (VIII edizione, Zanichelli) ISBN 9788808599858
  • Pignatti C.
    BIOCHIMICA DELLA NUTRIZIONE (cod.1207-C33, I Edizione 2022, Esculapio) ISBN13: 9788893852852
  • Online documents available on the official E-learning platform of the course (https://virtuale.unibo.it).
  • Further readings: Maccarrone M., FONDAMENTI DI BIOCHIMICA UMANA (Zanichelli) ISBN 9788808420190

Teaching methods

Frontal lessons and group discussion.

Assessment methods

Written exam with both multiple choice quizzes and open answer questions.

Teaching tools

The enrolled students are invited to register to the official E-learning platform of the course (https://virtuale.unibo.it)

Office hours

See the website of Maria Luisa Genova

See the website of Antonello Lorenzini