Academic Year 2022/2023

Learning outcomes

At the end of the workshop the student: - is able to autonomously apply the specific techniques learnt; - is able to confront with colleagues on the modalities of use and documentation of the techniques learnt; - is able to place the specific knowledge learnt in different types of service; - is able to evaluate the limits and potentialities of the technical instruments learnt; - is able to transfer the techniques learned to different contexts making personal modifications.

Course contents

A curricular discipline in the Anglo-Saxon world, Debate consists of a confrontation in which two teams of students support and counter a statement or argument given by the teacher, placing themselves in one side (Proposition) or the other (Opposition). The topic chosen is one that is rarely addressed in traditional teaching activities (an unconventional, convincing, 'divisive', often provocative or 'peripheral' topic compared to those of a classic lesson). From the chosen topic a real Debate starts, a formal discussion, not free, dictated by rules, roles and precise timing, to prepare for which documentation and critical processing exercises are necessary; the Debate allows students to learn to search and select sources with the aim of forming an opinion, to develop public speaking and listening skills, to self-assess, to improve their cultural awareness and, last but not least, their self-esteem. Debate trains the mind to consider positions other than one's own and not to get stuck on personal opinions, develops critical thinking, broadens one's horizons and enriches one's personal skill set. Debate enables the acquisition of transversal competences (life skills), those attitudes that will allow young people, once adults, to consciously exercise an active role in any decision-making process.


Mandatory text

Cinganotto, L., Mosa, E., Panzavolta, S. (2021), Il Debate, una metodologia per potenziare le competenze chiave, Carocci, Roma

Recommended text

De Conti, M., Giangrande, M., (2018), Debate. Pratica, teoria e pedagogia, Pearson, Milano

Teaching methods

Laboratory methodology aimed at carrying out simulations of the various phases of the Debate (from planning to implementation) and of Public Speaking techniques.

Assessment methods


Teaching tools

The laboratory is carried out in collaboration with INDIRE and involved as teachers of Elena Mosa, PhD and Silvia Panzavolta, PhD.

Handouts, articles, slides of lectures and other multimedia material. For certified students, adaptations will be considered as foreseen in the plan.

Office hours

See the website of Alessandro Tolomelli