91830 - General and Social Pedagogy Workshop (G.A)

Academic Year 2022/2023

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Educator in Childhood Social Services (cod. 9083)

Learning outcomes

At the end of the laboratory the student: - is able to move autonomously in applying the specific techniques learned autonomously or within projects organized by the institutions; - knows how to compare with other subjects on how to use and document the techniques learned; - knows how to place the specific knowledge learned in different types of service; - knows how to evaluate the limits and merits of the technical instruments learned; - knows how to transfer the technologies learned in different contexts making personal modifications and integrations.

Course contents


The first part of the workshop aims to offer knowledge and food for thought on intercultural education.

- in the family in adoption, particularly inter-ethnic and international.

- and in educational services for children. In particular with reference to the reception of adopted children of foreign origin and the relationship between adoptive parents and educators/educators.

The second part of the workshop will involve female and male students in different in-depth studies that will be agreed upon together with the participants.

For example:


-Analysis of illustrated books to talk about different family types, including foster families.

- Processing in subgroups of illustrated books (contents and images) to talk about adoption or to address important issues in the adoption experience from an intercultural point of view with the youngest children.


-The experience of educators/educators and teachers in welcoming children adopted in the educational services (planning with children and relationships with families).

During the workshop it is expected the presence of guests who will be able to talk about the adoption experience carried out in first person as children and/or parents.

The final part of the workshop - also for evaluation purposes - foresees the presentation to all participants of the work carried out in subgroup: materials produced; data collected; overall reflections; shared discussion.



Lorenzini S., Adozione e origine straniera. Problemi e punti di forza nelle riflessioni dei figli, Pisa, ETS, 2013.

Lorenzini S., Famiglie per adozione. Le voci dei figli, Pisa, ETS, 2012.

Additional bibliography will be indicated, constructed and agreed upon during the workshop itself.

Teaching methods

Frontal and interactive lessons

Guided Discussions

I listen to privileged witnesses


Research activities outside the classroom

Assessment methods

The work done during the workshop and the learning achieved (knowledge and skills) will be verified by presenting to all participants the work done in subgroup: materials produced; data collected; overall reflections; shared discussion.

Teaching tools

Power point

Video projection and shared commentary

Office hours

See the website of Stefania Lorenzini


No poverty Quality education Reduced inequalities

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.