- Docente: Giovanna Alvoni
- Credits: 6
- Language: Italian
- Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
- Campus: Bologna
- Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Philology, Literature and Classical Tradition (cod. 9070)
Learning outcomes
At the end of the course students will be able to plan, formulate and evaluate didactic projects of Ancient Greek language and/or culture. They will also have the required level of critical awareness to deal with the key problems of teaching and learning Greek language and culture in the current historical context and in order to evaluate possible future developments.
Course contents
1. Methodologies for the teaching of Greek language and culture (10 hours).
The most up-to-date grammatical methods and models will be explained starting with the analysis of some textbooks (for example, M. Balme, T.F. Bórri, G. Lawall, L. Miraglia, Athenaze, I-II, Avellino 1999-2000; N. Natalucci, Il "nuovo Metodo Grammaticale". Lingua greca 2, Perugia 2006).
2. Knowledge and competencies for an inclusive curriculum of Greek language and culture (10 hours).
Typologies of didactic planning and assessment will be explained starting from an inclusive perspective and the main national guidelines (D.P.R. n. 275/1999, D.M. n.139/2007, D.P.R. n. 89/2010, D.I. n. 211/2010, L. 170/2010, Dir. MIUR 27/12/2012, Circ. Min. n. 8/2013, D.Lgs. n. 66/2017).
3. Learning to elaborate didactic paths for special themes, literary genres, authors, works, historical and cultural periods, with particular focus on computer-based teaching tools (laboratory, 10 hours).
Beginning of the course: 30th January 2023.
Timetable and venue: Monday, Wednesday and Friday, 3.00 pm-5.00 pm, Dipartimento di Filologia Classica e Italianistica, via Zamboni 32, 'aula ex mansarda' (1st floor).
Students who don't attend the lessons are invited to contact the professor to define personalized exam contents.
1. At least one of these texts:
Nuove chiavi per insegnare il classico. A cura di U. Cardinale, Torino (UTET) 2008 (at least Chapters 1, 2, 16, 17, 26, 28, 30 and three more chapters chosen by the student).
Disegnare il futuro con intelligenza antica. L'insegnamento del latino e del greco antico in Italia e nel mondo. A cura di L. Canfora e U. Cardinale, Bologna (Il Mulino) 2012.
Lingue antiche e moderne dai licei alle università. A cura di R.Oniga e U. Cardinale, Bologna (Il Mulino) 2012.
M. Ricucci, Storia della glottodidattica, Roma (Armando) 2014.
2. Reading of
- Indicazioni nazionali relative all'insegnamento della lingua e della cultura greca nel liceo classico,
- B.M. Trentin, Educare le competenze, Milano (Sironi) 2012 oppure L. Guasti, Competenze e valutazione metodologica. Indicazioni e applicazioni pratiche per il curricolo, Trento (Erickson) 2013 oppure F. Di Pietro - S. Lotti, La tavola periodica delle competenze, Torino (Loescher) 2022,
and of one of these books:
Di fronte ai classici. A colloquio con i Greci e i Latini. A cura di I. Dionigi, Milano (BUR) 2002 (at least ten chapters),
F. Roscalla, Greco, che farne? Ripensare il passato per progettare il futuro. Manuali e didattica tra Sette e Novecento, Pisa (Edizioni ETS) 2016,
M. Napolitano, Il liceo classico: qualche idea per il futuro, Roma (Salerno Editrice) 2017,
F. Condello, La scuola giusta. In difesa del liceo classico, Milano (Mondadori) 2018,
L. Russo, Perché la cultura classica. La risposta di un non classicista, Milano (Mondadori) 2018.
C. Dell’Acqua, Una SPA per l’anima. Come prendersi cura della vita con i classici greci e latini, Milano (Mondadori) 2019.
L. Lomiento - A. Porro (a c. di), Liceo classico. Un futuro per tutti. Venti interviste a ex alunni eccellenti, Roma (Carocci) 2021.
3. Reading of R. Tosi – P. Rosa, Periéghesis. Percorsi di letteratura nella Grecia classica, Bologna (Cappelli Editore) 2008, 187-242 (texts in the original language); F. Carta Piras (cur.), Didattica della lingua e della letteratura greca. Materiali per la didattica del greco e per la funzione docente, pref. di L. Canfora, Ortacesus (Sandhi) 2011.
Teaching methods
Lectures will be interactive and based on continuous exchanges between lecturer and students.
About the laboratory, in consideration of the type of activity and teaching methods adopted, the attendance of this training activity requires the prior participation of all students in modules 1 and 2 of training on safety in the study places, [https://elearning-sicurezza.unibo.it/ ] in e-learning mode.Assessment methods
Assessment for this course consists of an oral examination, during which the following are assessed: (1) skill in the critical elaboration of the themes considered during the course and the bibliography agreed with the professor; (2) ability to use the tools and specific language of the subject; (2) ability to elaborate a written didactic path for a chosen theme.
Teaching tools
Photocopies, blackboard, mailing list, digital resources to learn and teach the ancient greek language and culture (some lessons will be in computer room).
Office hours
See the website of Giovanna Alvoni
This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.