- Docente: Natalia Montinari
- Credits: 6
- SSD: SECS-P/01
- Language: Italian
- Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
- Campus: Forli
- Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Economics and management (cod. 9203)
Learning outcomes
The course intends to introduce the fundamental tools for the analysis of strategic interaction, integrating the theoretical and behavioral analysis with the experimental evidence and considering both the interactions at an individual level and the applications to the study of market competition. At the end of the course the student: - knows the main concepts of equilibrium for the solution of non-cooperative games; - uses these concepts for the analysis of individual economic behavior, for the evaluation of the strategic behavior of companies on the market and for the optimal design of incentive mechanisms.
Course contents
Synthetic program of the course:
• Introduction to game theory: ideas and practical applications.
• Dynamic games with perfect information: definition, balance and backward induction.
• Static games with complete information: definition, Nash equilibrium, multiple equilibria
• Games that combine static and dynamic elements.
• Balances in mixed strategies.
• Games in conditions of uncertainty
• The strategic moves
• Game theory, behavioral economics and experimental economics.
R. GIBBONS, Teoria dei giochi, Il Mulino 2005
The teaching material (slides, exercise book and other material) is available on the teacher's website. The material will be updated and supplemented from week to week based on the topics covered in the classroom.
Please check on a weekly basis for the presence of new files or new versions of the slides, the exercise book and the other material.
Teaching methods
Classes and exercise sessions
Assessment methods
Written exam with multiple choice questions, open questions and exercises.
The Game Theory Course is formally the first module of the Integrated Economics Course of 12 credits of the Degree Course in Economics and Management. The second module of Economics e
Competition Policy will be thought by the professor
Francesca Barigozzi in the second half of the semester.
The exams are divided by module and 3 ordinary sessions are available for each module. The Integrated Course is passed if the student obtains a pass in both modules during the exam sessions.
In case online exams will be envisaged by the University of Bologna, the structure of the written exam is the same. The exam will be run through Zoom and Exams Online (EOL). Detailed instructions on how to manage and hand in the online exam are available on the course page on the VIRTUALE platform.
The maximum possible score is 30 cum laude, in case all anwers are correct, complete and formally rigorous.
The grade is graduated as follows:
<18 failed
18-23 sufficient
24-27 good
28-30 very good
30 e lode excellent
Office hours
See the website of Natalia Montinari
This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.