70212 - Basic Principles of Graphic Design

Academic Year 2021/2022

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Cesena
  • Corso: Single cycle degree programme (LMCU) in Architecture (cod. 9265)

Learning outcomes

Teaching goals are to provide the knowledge and skills related to the graphic communication of architectural design, intended in its geometric and formal components, but also in its components related to the functional and typological features.

Course contents

The basic course in digital modeling will provide the skills and knowledge to the production of 3D models using NURBS geometry, to prepare them for export, annotation, and printing.
The lectures will cover the following topics:

- Introduction / General informations
- The 3D modeling User Interface
- Creation and editing of geometry
- Accuracy in Modeling process
- Point Editing
- Modeling and 3D editing
- Creating Deformable Shapes
- Solid Modeling
- Surfaces Modeling
- Insert records into a model
- Print & Layouts
- Solid Transformations
- NURBS Topology
- Surface Continuity
- Polygonal mesh from NURBS objects
- Import / Export 3D modeling files


Apollonio F.I., Architettura in 3D. Modelli digitali per i sistemi cognitivi, Bruno Mondadori, Milano, 2012

Migliari R., Geometria descrittiva – Volume I – Metodi e costruzioni, CittàSutdi Edizioni, Novara 2009.

Migliari R., Geometria descrittiva – Volume II – Tecniche e applicazioni , CittàSutdi Edizioni, Novara 2009.

Teaching methods

The course will be carried out by means of classroom lessons and practices. Theoretical lessons will deal with program topics - by means of notifications, seminars and presentation of study cases - with specific applications to general and/or particular cases. Practices will have the purpose of applying representation techniques to the themes under close examination, as a language for the display of architecture. Exercise tables are subject to a specific assessment. All tables assigned during the course must be produced in order to sit for the examination

Assessment methods

The exam will consist of an oral presentation of the drawing boards of the assigned architecture theme.

The boards, format A1, will include the representation of the architectural subject: plans, elevations and sections in scale 1: 100 and 1:50 with details in scale 1:20 and 1:10; at least one axonometric split and a perspective section with the study of effects of light and shade in scale 1: 100 or 1:50. The boards will be accompanied by a A3 format booklet, with the reduced size drawings of the architecture and a brief written report on the research activity, i.e. a description of the construction of the mathematical and polygonal model with reference to the sources used. Finally, a CD / DVD will be provided, including all the digital materials for the construction and compilation of the drawings: the A1 boards in pdf or tiff format, a pdf booklet and the mathematical and polygonal models of the architectural project. The quality of mathematical and polygonal models will be evaluated.

The exam is unique for the course of ARCHITECTURE DESIGN LABORATORY (C.I.)

Teaching tools

Some classroom lessons useful for the cognitive and planning activity and seminars for checking the work carried out by students divided into groups.
Basic bibliographic, graphic and documental material relating to the themes studied will be made available to students at the beginning of the course.

Teaching activities will use LaMoViDA (Laboratory of Architectural Modeling and Visualization)

Office hours

See the website of Federico Fallavollita