92942 - Interpretation From Italian Into French (Language B) I

Academic Year 2021/2022

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Forli
  • Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Interpreting (cod. 8060)

    Also valid for Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Interpreting (cod. 8060)

Learning outcomes

The student knows and is able to use basic interpretation skills (sight translation, preliminary note-taking and simultaneous interpreting, chuchotage...) between Italian and French.

Course contents

The course will focus on developing students' skills concerning the analysis, comprehension and reproduction of spoken speeches from Italian into French, and on their control of their delivery and of the communicative event.

Consecutive and simultaneous interpreting skills will be developed through preliminary exercises of sight translation, memorizing and note-taking and through the reflection on various challenges interpreters may cope with, including problems that may arise during the interpreting assignment (e.g. audio, environmental, and technical issues), as well as difficulties contained in original speeches (e.g. speech rates, proper names, numbers, lists, and regional accents).
The selected texts, mostly original speeches about general topics (e.g. society and well-being, energy and environment, technology and scientific developments), will be used for shadowing exercises as well as for consecutive and simultaneous into French, with the aim to acquire the technique, to expand lexical knowledge, to refine the ability to speak in public, and to improve the accuracy of the interpreted content.
The course has the following sub-objectives: (a) to raise awareness of theoretical and practical professional issues; (b) to develop strategies for the analysis and production of spoken French; (c) to encourage the use of collaborative platforms for file sharing and peer review; (d) to promote self-assessment as well as terminological sensitivity and autonomy.

The course is complemented by interpreting exercises from Italian into French held by Prof. Patricia Toni.


BALLARDINI, E. (1998) “La traduzione a vista nella formazione degli interpreti”. inTRAlinea 1. Disponibile all’indirizzo http://www.intralinea.org/archive/article/1611
BLANCHE-BENVENISTE, C. (2010) Approches de la langue parlée. Paris: Ophrys.
CHEN, S. (2017) "Note-taking in consecutive interpreting: new data from pen recording". Translation & Interpreting 9, 1. 4-23.
DETEY S., RACINE I., KAWAGUCHI Y. & EYCHENNE J. (dir.) (2017) La prononciation du français dans le monde: Du natif à l’apprenant. Paris : CLE International.
FALBO, C. (1998) “Analyse des erreurs en interprétation simultanée”. The Interpreters’ Newsletter 8: 107-120.
FALBO, C. (2017) "Les oraux des interprètes: Un terrain particulier d’observation", in Repères DoRiF 12, http://www.dorif.it/ezine/ezine_articles.php?art_id=338
GALAZZI E. & JAMET M. (dir.) (2017) Les z'oraux - Les français parlés entre sons et discours, numéro de Repères DoRiF 12, http://www.dorif.it/ezine/ezine_articles.php?art_id=354
GAMBIER, Y. (1991): «Travail et vocabulaire spécialisés: prolégomènes à une socio-terminologie», Meta 36, 1: 145-155.
GAUGEY, V. & H. SHEEREN (2015) Le franç@ais dans le mouv’. Firenze: Le Lettere.
GIAMBAGLI, A. (1998) “La prise de notes peut-elle détourner d’une bonne qualité de l’écoute en interprétation consécutive ?”. The Interpreters’ Newsletter 8. 121-134.
GILLIES, A. (2013) Conference interpreting. London/New York : Routledge.
GILLIES, A. (2017) Note-Taking for Consecutive Interpreting. London/New York : Routledge.
GROUPE ICOR (2007) “L’étude des particules à l’oral dans différents contextes à partir de la banque de données de Corpus de LAngue Parlée en Interaction CLAPI”. Actes des 5èmes Journées de Linguistique de Corpus JLC5, Lorient, septembre 2007. Disponibile all’indirizzo: http://icar.univ-lyon2.fr/projets/corinte/bandeau_droit/ressources.htm
LEDERER, M. (1981) La traduction simultanée: expérience et théorie. Paris : Lettres Modernes Minard.
KERBRAT-ORECCHIONI, C. (2005) Les actes de langage dans le discours. Paris: Armand Colin
NIEMANTS N. (2018) “L’interprétation des français parlés en interaction”. InTRAlinea, numero speciale a cura di L. Anderson, L. Gavioli e F. Zanettin intitolato Translation And Interpreting for Language Learners (TAIL), in pubblicazione congiunta presso la rivista InTRAlinea e la collana Studi AItLA, dell’Associazione Italiana di Linguistica Applicata, http://www.intralinea.org/specials/article/2310
SELESKOVITCH, D. & M. LEDERER (2014) Interpréter pour traduire. Traductologiques, Les Belles Lettres (Nouv. ED.).
TRAVERSO, V. (2016) Décrire le français parlé en interaction. Paris : Ophrys.
WEBER, C. (2013) Pour une didactique de l’oralité: Enseigner le français tel qu’il est parlé. Paris: Didier.

Teaching methods

From a methodological point of view, two teaching methods will alternate: the observation and deconstruction of discourse in order to grasp its transactional (aimed at the exchange of information) and interactional components (aimed at creating relationships), as well as the links which contribute to its logical structure; and, to a greater extent, the active construction of these components through practical exercise, in class and at home, aimed at developing the main sub-skills involved in the listening, analysis and production tasks of consecutive and simultaneous interpreting. The development of these individual skills will be monitored by the teacher and peers, and as well as through self-training and self-assessment.
All texts used in class and at the exam are audio- or video-recorded.

In view of the type of activity and teaching methods adopted, attendance at this training activity requires the prior participation of all students in modules 1 and 2 of the training on safety in the workplace, https://elearning-sicurezza.unibo.it/, in e-learning mode.

Assessment methods

The course includes continuous assessment of students' progress in learning consecutive and simultaneous interpreting techniques.
End-of-course assessment consists in one consecutive (about 5 minutes) and one simultaneous (about 10 minutes) interpreting test from Italian into French on topics covered during the course. The test aims at assessing the candidate’s delivery, the fluency and the accurate rendition of the original speech, with appropriate register and terminology, besides correct grammar, vocabulary and idiomatic expressions in the active language.
The final mark will be an average of the marks obtained by the students in the different parts of the integrated course, which also includes the module of simultaneous and consecutive interpreting from French into Italian (held by Prof. Baldi), and which as a whole aims to check the acquisition of the interpreting techniques and the mastery in the use of the two languages through the production of an oral interpretation of speeches of low-medium difficulty (in terms of conceptual and syntactic complexity, lexical density, and thematic specificity).
If the candidate passes at least 50% of the tests (at least 2 tests for language B and at least 1 test for language C), the passed tests shall not be repeated in future exam sessions.
Marks will be given as follows: (28-30) very good coherence and cohesion, very good command of target language, very good use of voice (rendering in consecutive mode must not be longer than the original speech); (25-27) good overall coherence and cohesion, few imprecisions, good command of target language, good use of voice; (21-24) few, local imprecisions, generalizations, small additions and/or omissions, the target text can be followed despite a few target language grammar/syntax/word choice/pronunciation/planning mistakes; (18-20) recurrent but minor errors, distortions, additions and/or omissions, mistakes in target language grammar/syntax/word choice/pronunciation/planning mistakes that make comprehension difficult (rendering in consecutive mode may not excede the original speech by more than 15%).
The overall mark will possibly be integrated by the assessment of two optional exercises: 1) the student's transcription of a speech in French of approx. 10 minutes (whose choice must be agreed in advance with the teacher) and 2) the student's production and video-recording of a speech in French of approx. 5 minutes on the same topic (submission must be prior to the exam session the student participates in).

Teaching tools

Lessons will take place in an interpreting lab equipped with booths and computers in order to simulate the workstation of a professional. PCs and audio/video materials from the Web will be used along with transcripts of authentic monolingual or multilingual interactions. The need to use Virtuale or the DIT Department's Moodle platform (https://moodle.sslmit.unibo.it) will be negotiated and decided with the students.

Office hours

See the website of Natacha Sarah Alexandra Niemants


Good health and well-being Quality education Responsible consumption and production Climate Action

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.