Academic Year 2021/2022

Learning outcomes

At the end of the workshop the student: - is able to move autonomously in applying the specific techniques learned independently or within projects organized by the institutions; - will know how to deal with other subjects on the methods of use and documentation of the techniques learned; - knows how to place the specific knowledge learned in different types of service; - will know how to evaluate the limits and merits of the technical tools learned; - will know how to transfer the technologies learned in different contexts by making personal modifications and additions.

Course contents

The work of the social educator in services for asylum seekers and refugees

The workshop will focus on the theme of socio-educational interventions aimed at migrants seeking asylum and refugees, deepening in theoretical and practical terms the role of the social educator in the contexts of reception and inclusion (SAI / SIPROIMI, CAS services) for adults and UASC from a pedagogical point of view. The pedagogical and intercultural skills of the operator necessary to support the professionalism and educational intervention in the migrant's co-planning path in the new life context will be examined specifically. In addition, some third sector realities committed to this purpose and some projects implemented in the Emilia-Romagna area will be investigated.

Starting from this premise, the workshop aims to promote reflection in particular on the following aspects:

1. Knowledge of the reception and inclusion system of asylum seekers and refugees in Italy

2. Analysis of socio-educational work in the services SAI / SIPROIMI, CAS

3. Reflection and analysis of socio-educational projects and interventions aimed at migrants

4. Analysis of pedagogical and intercultural skills and the professionalism of the educator in the reception and inclusion services of migrants


  • Salinaro, M. (2021). Temporanei Permanenti. Migranti e operatori dell'accoglienza: paradossi politici e traiettorie pedagogiche, Foggia: Edizioni del Rosone. (Acquistabile sul sito della casa editrice con il 15% di sconto).

  • Faso, G., Bontempelli, S. (2017). Accogliere rifugiati e richiedenti asilo. Manuale dell’operatore critico. Firenze: Briciole Cesvot.

  • Salinaro, M., Oltre i “corpi umani in fuga”. La sfida della progettualità esistenziale nelle pratiche di accoglienza di richiedenti asilo e rifugiati in Italia, in «Educazione Interculturale. Teorie, ricerche, pratiche», 2018, Vol.16, pp. 36 - 48.
  • Servizio Centrale, (2018). Manuale Operativo per l’attivazione e la gestione di servizi di accoglienza integrata in favore di richiedenti e titolari di protezione internazionale e umanitaria [https://www.siproimi.it/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/SPRAR-Manuale-Operativo-2018-08.pdf ].


Further bibliographical information and in-depth information on the topics covered will be provided during the course of the workshop.

Teaching methods

The workshop is structured in lectures, individual and small group work, with moments of debate, reflection and deepening of the topics covered.
The viewing of films and the comparison with privileged witnesses will be provided.

Assessment methods

Students will be assessed at the end of the workshop on the basis of the work carried out during the planned activities (individual work, exercises in small groups, moments of reflection and discussion) and in relation to the learning achieved (in terms of acquired knowledge and skills foreseen by the laboratory). Therefore the exercises in the classroom will constitute a moment of verification and will be evaluated by the teacher

Teaching tools

Paper and digital materials (articles, audio, video, ppt) to support classroom exercises

Office hours

See the website of Marta Salinaro


No poverty Quality education Reduced inequalities Sustainable cities

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.