- Docente: Francesca Gatta
- Credits: 6
- Language: Italian
- Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
- Campus: Forli
- Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Specialized translation (cod. 9174)
Learning outcomes
The student - knows the basic features (terms, concepts and methods) needed for the study of the structure, functions and textual organization of the Italian language - knows the basic techniques required for information mining, drafting, editing and revising texts - is able to understand, analyze and coherently produce complex written texts (but also oral speeches) belonging to various specialized text types and genres, particularly multimedia ones.
Course contents
The course aims at giving students the tools to develop a critical reflection about the relation between language and media and to describe the language features of media and their textual genres (for instance, traditional and online newspapers, blog and so on). The course focuses expecially on newspaper and television.
I. Bonomi, S. Morgana, La lingua italiana e i mass media, Roma, Carocci, 2016 (nuova edizione)
G. Antonelli, L'italiano nell'era della comunicazione, Bologna, Il Mulino (nuova edizione)
L. Serianni, Italiani scritti, Bologna, Il Mulino 2012
L'italiano e la rete, le reti per l'italiano, a cura di G. Patota e F. Rossi, Accademia della Crusca - GoWare, 2018.
Accordi e disaccordi in rete: aspetti linguistici, comunicativi e psicosociali, a cura di A. Ferrari et. al., numero monografico della rivista "Lingue e culture dei Media", v. 4, n. 2 (2020)
Teaching methods
lectures and seminars
Assessment methods
The student must produce a final paper concerning a topic of the course freely chosen.
The highest final mark (30/30), eventually cum laude, will reflect the comprehensiveness, adequacy and full articulation of the paper.
Grading Scale
30-30L: The candidate possesses an in-depth knowledge of the topic, an outstanding ability to apply theoretical concepts, a high level of argumentative clarity, as well as excellent analytical skills, and a well-developed ability to synthesize and establish interdisciplinary connections.
27–29: The candidate possesses an in-depth knowledge of the topic, a sound ability to apply theoretical concepts, good analytical skills, clear argumentative clarity and an ability to synthesize.
24-26: The candidate possesses a fair knowledge of the topic, a reasonable ability to apply theoretical concepts correctly and present ideas clearly.
21-23: The candidate possesses an adequate, but not in-depth, knowledge of the topic, a partial ability to apply theoretical concepts, and acceptable presentation skills.
18-20: The candidate possesses a barely adequate and only superficial knowledge of topic, limited presentation skills, and only an inconsistent ability to apply theoretical concepts.
< 18 Fail: The candidate possesses an inadequate knowledge of the topic, makes significant errors in applying theoretical concepts, and shows weak presentation skills.
Office hours
See the website of Francesca Gatta