- Docente: Giusella Dolores Finocchiaro
- Credits: 12
- Language: Italian
- Moduli: Giusella Dolores Finocchiaro (Modulo 1) Alessandra Spangaro (Modulo 2)
- Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures (Modulo 1) Traditional lectures (Modulo 2)
- Campus: Bologna
- Corso: Single cycle degree programme (LMCU) in Law (cod. 9232)
Learning outcomes
Acquisition of basic knowledge on the structure and the fundamental institutions of the Civil Code, by studying the rules governing property, successions, obligations, contracts and unlawful acts.
Course contents
Private law
-Private law sources
-Natural person and collective person
-Non-profit organizations
-Personal rights
-Property and possession
-Voidability and avoidance
-Termination of contract
-Unjustified enrichment
-Effects of the contract
-Other sources of obligations
-Fulfilment and breach of contract
-Debtor's liability of guarantees of the creditor
-Contract of sale (contratto di vendita)
-Contract of lease (contratto di locazione)
-Rental agreement (contratto di affitto)
-Procurement contracts (contratto di appalto)
-Gratuitous loans for use (contratto di comodato)
-Mortgage (contratto di mutuo )
-Agency (contratto di mandato)
-Family Law
-Inheritance and donations
▪ Transcription (La trascrizione)
▪ Evidence (Le prove)
▪ Statutes of limitation (prescription)
For students under the old system (course of Private Law – 9 credits), the exam program includes all the abovementioned subjects, except for:
- sale contracts (contratto di vendita)
- lease contracts (contratto di locazione)
- rent contracts (contratto di affitto)
- procurement contracts (contratto di appalto)
- agency (contratto di mandato)
- gratuitous loans for use (contratto di comodato)
- loans (contratto di mutuo)
Private Law additional activities are addressed to students who opt for the Master Degree program and have already passed the Private Law exam of the graduation course in Juridical Studies (8 CFU). These students need to integrate 1 CFU necessary to obtain 9 CFU, as required in the Master Degree in Law program.
The oral exam will focus on the following program: - knowledge of the text of the legislative decree that reformed the “family pact” introduced by law n. 55 of 14 February 2006 – art. 2645 c.c. “Della introduzione della trascrivibilità di vincoli di destinazione” inserted by art. 39-novies, d.l. 30 December 2005, n. 273, converted by law n. 51, of 23 February 2006.
Students who do not have to take the entire exam and need only an integration of some credits may contact Dott. Alessandra Spangaro (alessandra.spangaro@unibo.it).
Francesco Galgano, Diritto Privato, last edition, limited to the subjects included in the program.
or, alternatively
Andrea Torrente, Piero Schlesinger, Manuale di diritto privato, Giuffrè, Milano, last edition, limited to the subjects included in the program.
For the convenience of students who choose to study on TORRENTE-SCHLESINGER, Manuale di diritto privato, Milano, 2019, the sections to be studied are indicated hereinafter.
▪ L’ordinamento giuridico, cap. I, par. 1-9;
▪ Il diritto privato e le sue fonti, cap. II, par. 10-18;
▪ L’efficacia temporale delle leggi, cap. III, par. 19-22;
▪ L’applicazione e l’interpretazione della legge, cap. IV, par. 23-26;
▪ I conflitti di leggi nello spazio, cap. V, par. 27-32;
▪ Il soggetto del rapporto giuridico, cap. VII, par. 41-79;
▪ L’oggetto del rapporto giuridico, cap. VIII, par. 80-95;
▪ L’influenza del tempo sulle vicende giuridiche, cap. X, par. 108-117.
▪ Le tutela giurisdizionale dei diritti, cap. XI, par. 118-121;
▪ La prova dei fatti giuridici, cap. XII, par. 122-130;
▪ I diritti reali in generale e la proprietà, cap. XIII, par. 131-143
▪ I diritti reali di godimento, cap. XIV, par. 144-161
▪ La comunione e il condominio, cap. XV, par. 162- 173;
▪ Il possesso, cap. XVI, par. 174-188;
▪ Il rapporto obbligatorio, cap. XVII, par. 189-191;
▪ Gli elementi del rapporto obbligatorio, cap. XVIII, par. 192-200;
▪ Modificazione dei soggetti del rapporto obbligatorio, cap. XIX, par. 201-205; 208-212;
▪ L’estinzione dell’obbligazione, cap. XX, par. 213-228;
▪ L’inadempimento e la mora, capp. XXI, par. 229-234;
▪ La responsabilità patrimoniale del debitore, cap. XXII, par. 235-236 bis;
▪ Le cause legittime di prelazione, cap. XXIII, par. 237-257;
▪ I mezzi di conservazione della garanzia patrimoniale, cap. XXIV, par. 258-263;
▪ Il contratto, capp. XXV, par. 264-267;
▪ Le trattative e la conclusione del contratto, cap. XXVI, par. 268-274;
▪ I vizi della volontà, cap. XXVII, par. 275-285;
▪ La forma del contratto, cap. XXVIII, par. 286-287;
▪ La rappresentanza, cap. XXIX, par. 288-297;
▪ Il contratto preliminare ed i vincoli a contrarre, cap. XXX, par. 298-302;
▪ L’oggetto del contratto, cap. XXXI, par. 303-304;
▪ La causa del contratto, cap. XXXII, par. 305-310;
▪ L’interpretazione del contratto, cap. XXXIII, par. 311;
▪ Gli effetti del contratto, cap. XXXIV, par. 312-319;
▪ Gli elementi accidentali del contratto, cap. XXXV, par. 320-329;
▪ Invalidità e inefficacia del contratto, cap. XXXVII, par.: 338-347;
▪ La rescissione e la risoluzione del contratto, cap. XXXVIII, par. 348-357;
▪ Obbligazioni nascenti dalla legge, cap. LIV, par. 450-453;
▪ La responsabilità extracontrattuale, cap. LV, par. 454-474;
▪ Contratto di compravendita, cap. XLI, par. 367-378;
▪ I contratti di scambio che realizzano un do ut facias, cap. XLI, par. 367-378 (la compravendita), cap. XLIII, par. 384-385 (la locazione e l’affitto; la locazione di immobili urbani);
▪ Contratto di mandato, cap. XLIV, par. 390;
▪ Contratto di comodato, cap. XLV, par. 400;
▪ Contratto di mutuo, cap. XLV, par. 401;
▪ I rapporti di famiglia, cap. LXV, par. 577-578;
▪ Il matrimonio: la formazione del vincolo, cap. LXVI, par. 579-589;
▪ Il matrimonio: il regime del vincolo, cap. LXVII, par. 590-593;
▪ Il regime patrimoniale della famiglia, cap. LXVIII, par. 594-603;
▪ La filiazione, capp. LXIX, par.604-612;
▪ La responsabilità genitoriale e la tutela dei minori, cap. LXX, par. 613-614;
▪ L’obbligazione degli alimenti, cap. LXXII, par. 620-622;
▪ La successione per causa di morte, capp. LXXIII, LXXIV, LXXV, LXXVI, LXXVII, LXXVIII, LXXIX, LXXX, LXXXI, par. 623-693.
or, alternatively:
S. Patti (a cura di), Diritto Privato, Cedam, Padova, (ultima ed. 2019) llimited to the subjects included in the program.
For students under the old system (course of Private Law – 9 credits) the exam program includes all the abovementioned subjects, except for:
- sale contracts (contratto di vendita)
- lease contracts (contratto di locazione)
- rent contracts (contratto di affitto)
- procurement contracts (contratto di appalto)
- agency (contratto di mandato)
- gratuitous loans for use (contratto di comodato)
- loans (contratto di mutuo)
The study of the handbook must go hand-in-hand with the consultation of the Civil Code (updated version). The Civil Code must be constantly consulted also during the lessons. The student is required to stay up to date with the lastly adopted legislation.
Teaching methods
Traditional classes. Case study.
Assessment methods
The test includes 30 multiple choice questions.
The score is:
-1 for each correct answer;
-0 for each wrong answer (no penalty will be applied for wrong answers)
A passing grade is achieved if 24 answers or more are correct. The test does will not be graded, it will simply grant access to the oral exam. The final grade will be only be based on the oral exam.
The time available for the test will be 40 minutes, students are allowed to consult the Italian Civil Code.
The aim of the exam is to verify knowledge of the most important private law issues, including the capacity to make the necessary logical-deductive connections.
The final grade will be calculated according to the following general criteria: Basic preparation on the basic topics in the program, analytical skills only exhibited when prompted by the teacher; generally proper language, but without using technical terms: 18-20; Preparation on the whole program, with autonomous but limited analytical skills, proper language, including the most important technicalities: 21-24;
Preparation on the whole program, with autonomous analytical skills, proper knowledge of the specific terminology: 25-29; Preparation on the whole program, with independent and in-depth analytical skills, full mastery of the specific terminology and capacity to put forward proper arguments: 30-30L.
Erasmus students must study the program above.
The final dissertation has to be delivered to the supervisor at least twenty days before the date set for the deposit at the secretary.
Teaching tools
Students with disabilities, including learning disabilities, who need compensatory tools may communicate their needs to the Lecturer and be addressed to a referee, with whom they can agree the adoption of the most suitable arrangements.
Office hours
See the website of Giusella Dolores Finocchiaro
See the website of Alessandra Spangaro

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.