30847 - Psychopathology of the Life Cycle

Academic Year 2021/2022

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Pedagogy - Science of education (cod. 9206)

Learning outcomes

At the end of this course students will be able to identify protection and risk factors across the life-span, to understand the main behavioral problems and to plan and carry out socio-educational interventions for a variety of child and adult problems

Course contents

1.  Introduction to Clinical psychology

2. The psychological development of the child

3. The psychic conflict and mental disorders

4. Eating and evacuative disorders in Childhood

5. The clinical interview in Educational Science

6. Emotional Intelligence


•TROMBINI, E. (2010). Il cibo rifiutato. I disturbi alimentari precoci e la Giocoterapia Focale con bambini e genitori. Pendragon, Bologna

•Scafidi Fonti M.G., La Grutta S., Trombini E (a cura di) (2015). Elementi di Psicodiagnostica. Aspetti teorici e tecnici della valutazione. Franco Angeli, Milano (chapters 1,2,3, 4, 10, 11, 12,14, 17,18, 19)

•TROMBINI, E. (2016) La giocoterapia Focale in età prescolare. In G.De Campora, GC Zavattini (a cura di), Mindfulness e disturbi alimentari. Il Mulino, Bologna

•MANCINI G., TROMBINI E. (2017). Intelligenza Emotiva. Teoria, ricerca e intervento nei contesti psico-educativi. CLUEB, Bologna

•TROMBINI, E. (2018) Interventi precoci: la Giocoterapia Focale con bambini e genitori. In A. Imbasciati, L. Cena (a cura di), Il futuro dei primi mille giorni di vita. Psicologia Clinica Perinatale: prevenzione e interventi precoci. Franco Angeli, Milano


Teaching methods

Frontal lesson, role play, video clips

Assessment methods

Assessment methods:

The exam will be a test with 3 essay questions. Students will have 60 minutes to complete their tests.

The grade will be the result of the sum of the scores attributed to each question, which are graded on a scale from 0 to 10, according to the following:

- absent or totally incorrect answer: score 0

- answer present, but incomplete and / or largely incorrect: 1-3

- sufficient but not exhaustive answer: 4-5

- almost exhaustive answer, ability to argue, mastery of terminology: 6-7

- exhaustive answer on the topics, critical analysis, mastery of specific terminology, argumentation and connection skills: 8-10.

The test is passed with a minimum score of 18/30.

Honors will be given to the exams which stands out for in-depth analysis, critical analysis and full fluency in terminology.

The questions will focus on the course contents described above.

Teaching tools

Power Point

Office hours

See the website of Elena Trombini


Good health and well-being Quality education Gender equality

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.