- Docente: Stefano Benni
- Credits: 6
- SSD: AGR/10
- Language: Italian
- Moduli: Stefano Benni (Modulo Mod 1) Giovanni Pollicino (Modulo Mod 2)
- Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures (Modulo Mod 1) Traditional lectures (Modulo Mod 2)
- Campus: Bologna
- Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Planning and management of agro-territorial, forest and landscape (cod. 8532)
Learning outcomes
At the end of the course the student achieves of knowledge and reading skills of cadastral maps, cadastral documents and updating acts.
At the end of the course the student can perform:
· CAD representations of cadastral plans of rural buildings;
· GIS management of cadastral maps for landscape analysis.
Course contents
Teaching Unit 1. The Italian land cadastre (lectures: 10 hours)
Expected results: The student knows the definition, structure and organization of the Italian land registry, its purposes and the current management mode. The student knows the graphical and geometric characteristics of the cadastral cartography and is able to consult it independently; he/she knows the definition and meaning of census data of the constituent units and update acts.
- Definitions;
- History;
- The evolution of the structure of the cadastre in recent decades;
- The current structure: land registry and cadastre of buildings;
- The formation of the Italian Cadastre;
- Historical evolution of cadastral maps up to the current digital maps;
- The cadastral maps: conventional signs and symbols;
- The cadastral parcel;
- The parcel area;
- Map representation of particles and geographical characteristics;
- Census data of the parcels;
- Map representation of buildings and other constructions;
- Consultation of cadastral maps;
-Fractionation act;
- Particle act;
- Map act;
- The DOCTE procedure;
- Principles and examples of the Pregeo procedure;
- Analysis of case study examples.
Teaching Unit 2. Survey and CAD for the representation of cadastral plans (lectures: 12 hours; exercises and other activities: 12hours)
Expected Results: The student understands the techniques and procedures of architectonic survey and related modes of representation aimed at the preparation of documents for updating the registers; the student is able to perform surveys of rural buildings and represent them using CAD.
- Fundamentals of architectonic survey;
- Notes of topographic survey;
- Conventions and symbolism for the representation of survey drawings;
- Reminders of projective geometry: orthogonal projections, sections, plans, elevations;
- CAD settings for the preparation of drawings;
- CAD commands for drawing;
- CAD commands for editing objects;
- Layout and print setting.
Teaching Unit 3. Fundamentals of GIS for the management of cadastral mapping data (lectures: 6 hours; exercises: 2 hours)
Expected results: the student knows the main functions of a GIS software to conduct preliminary analysis of digital cadastral maps and is able to manage, edit, and create a basic level vector and raster database.
- Digitization of points, lines, polygons on regional WMS;
- Spatial analysis of cadastral data;
- Query and database creation, introduction to SQL, joining tables.
Teaching Unit 4. The Cadastre of buildings (lectures: 8 hours)
Expected results: the student knows the structure and content of the cadastre of buildings and is able to consult it independently; he/she knows the definition and meaning of census data of the constituent units.
- The categories of buildings;
- The requirements of rurality of residential buildings for agricultural activities;
- The file of rural buildings;
- The class definition of building units;
- Inventory of the building units;
- The cadastral area;
- The DOCFA procedure;
- Analysis of case study examples.
Teaching Unit 5. Practice on update acts (exercises and other activities: 8 hours)Expected results: the student knows technical procedures of the various documents to update the cadastre and is able to recognize the need for use of each of them, the student is also able to carry out acts of updating the bindings registry through the DOCFA procedure.
- Guided exercise of DOCFA procedure.
· Iovine A., Cenicola L., 2014. "Catasto Terreni e imposizione fiscale degli immobili rurali". Maggioli.
· Polizzi B., 2015. "Il Catasto dei Fabbricati". Dario Flaccovio.
· Bertocci S., Bini M., 2011. “Manuale di rilievo architettonico e urbano”. CittàStudi.
· Salerno G., Guandalini B., 2013. “Manuale ArcGIS 10”. Dario Flaccovio.
· Autodesk, 2015. "AutoCAD 2015". Guida online
· Lecture notes.
Teaching methods
The course is mainly carried out through lectures with video projection and practical activities of cadastral survey, drawing construction with CAD, GIS analysis in computer rooms properly equipped.
In particular, the teaching units 2 'Survey and CAD for representation of cadastral plans' and 3 'Fundamentals of GIS for the management of cadastral mapping data' are taught entirely through laboratory activities in a computer room and in field. These activities include explanations accompanied by extensive exercise activities conducted directly by the students with the guidance and constant support of the teacher. The exercise of building survey requires the completion of educational activities in the field (typically on farms) with the guidance and support of the teacher, through the use of measuring instruments made available by the University. Teaching unit 5 'Practice on update acts' is developed entirely through laboratory activities in a computer room and in field.
In this way, students who attend the course can develop in the classroom most of the work of training required for the exam.
These teaching methods are usefully complemented with activities as visits to public offices of cadastre and land registry and the organization of seminars with experienced professionals about specific issues of the teaching program.
As concerns the teaching methods of this course unit, all students must attend Module 1, 2 <https://www.unibo.it/en/services-and-opportunities/health-and-assistance/health-and-safety/online-course-on-health-and-safety-in-study-and-internship-areas > on Health and Safety online.
Assessment methods
The course is part of the Integrated Course ‘Environmental Appraisal and Cadastral Cartography' together with the teaching: Environmental and Rural Assessment.
Therefore, the evaluation of the course takes into account jointly the level of knowledge and skills acquired by the student in relation to the contents of all of the above teachings. The knowledge and skills taught in this course are evaluated in the following way.
The exam consists of an oral test that includes both the formulation of questions related to the topics of the program of theory (at least one question per teaching unit) and the exposure of the documents produced by the students during the exercise. This is usually conducted in groups of three students. The tutorial consists of the following activities:
• digitization with GIS software, on the basis of a properly georeferenced raster cartography, of cadastral maps of a farm indicated by the teacher;
• creation of a vector database of parcels of the land of the farm, including at least the cadastral identification of the parcels, the surface, the land-use/land-cover class;
• creation of a vector database of farm buildings;
• presentation of the layers created in an appropriate layout, on a scale typical of cadastral mapping, with an indication of the numbers of each parcel, including the thematic geographical data useful to contextualize the farm;
• architectural survey of an agricultural building (such as a tool shed or a barn) of the farm under study;
• return of the survey documents in CAD (plan, elevations, sections) paginated and printed as UNI-sized sheets;
• preparation and printing of a DOCFA model, including a plan for the inclusion in the land register of the same building (possibly internally modified according to students' choices).
The assessment is based on the knowledge of the topics in the program by the individual student, the correctness of the documents produced and the quality of the presentation.
Teaching tools
PC and projector, computer lab with CAD and GIS software, instruments for architectural survey and topographic survey; access to case-study farms.
Links to further information
Office hours
See the website of Stefano Benni
See the website of Giovanni Pollicino
This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.