23520 - Economical Ethics

Academic Year 2021/2022

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Forli
  • Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Management for Social Economy (cod. 8843)

Learning outcomes

Basic concepts for the analysis and discussion of economic behaviour from an ethical point of view

Course contents

Analysis and discussion of economic behaviour, theory and policy from an ethical point of view.

Theories of justice: utilitarianism, libertarianism, contractualism, communitarianism.

Ethical arguments and communication.


The reading list is open to personal choices.


1) Michael J. Sandel, "Market reasoning as moral reasoning: why economists should re-engage with political philosophy." The Journal of Economic Perspectives 27.4 (2013): 121-140.

2a) Michael J. Sandel, Giustizia, Feltrinelli 2010


2b) C. Arnsperberger - P. Van Parijs, Quanta diseguaglianza siamo disposti ad accettare? il Mulino, 2003.

3) R. Orsini, "Etica ed economia: alcune riflessioni sul concetto di scelta", Working paper AICCON disponibile su:


4) Wil Hutton, Europa vs. Usa, Fazi editore, 2003. capitoli 2 e 4

5) Alberto Alesina - R. Glaeser, Un mondo di differenze, Laterza 2005, introduzione.

6) Optional: one among the following three texts:

A. Caillé, Critica della ragione utilitaria , Bollati Boringhieri, 1991.

J. C. Michéa, Il vicolo cieco dell'economia, eleuthéra editrice 2004.

A. Gorz, Metamorfosi del lavoro , Bollati Boringhieri, 1992.

Other reading suggestions:

Michael J. Sandel, Quello che i soldi non possono comprare. I limiti morali del mercato, Feltrinelli, 2013.

John T. Harvey, Contending Perspectives in Economics: A Guide to Contemporary Schools of Thought, Edward Elgar 2016.

Raffaele Alberto Ventura, Teoria della classe disagiata, Minimum Fax 2017.

Fred Hirsch, I limiti sociali allo sviluppo, Bompiani 1978,1981, 2001.

Robert H. Frank and Philip J. Cook, The Winner-Take-All Society,New York: The Free Press, 1995.

A. O. Hirschmann, "Interpretazioni rivali dell'economia di mercato", inSaggi di economia politica, a cura di M.C. Marcuzzo e A. Roncaglia, Clueb 1998.

Marshall B. Rosenberg, Le Parole sono Finestre (oppure Muri); Introduzione alla comunicazione nonviolenta, Esserci Edizioni 2003.


Assessment methods

Written exam.

On the top of the written exam, students may opt for a written essay.


Key for evaluation marks:

• <18: fail

• 18-20: sufficient

• 21-23: fully sufficient

• 24-26: average

• 27-29: good

• 30: very good

• 30 e lode: excellent

Office hours

See the website of Raimondello Orsini


Decent work and economic growth Reduced inequalities Responsible consumption and production

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.