- Docente: Rosalba Lanciotti
- Credits: 6
- SSD: AGR/16
- Language: Italian
- Moduli: Rosalba Lanciotti (Modulo Mod 1) Oliver Schluter (Modulo Mod 2)
- Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures (Modulo Mod 1) Traditional lectures (Modulo Mod 2)
- Campus: Cesena
- Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Food Science and Technology (cod. 8531)
Learning outcomes
Te course is aimed to provide the fundamental knowledge on:
1. the microbiology of the fermentations of main interest for food industry;
2. potentiality of yeasts, mould and bacteria for raw material transformations, precursor bioconversion and production of molecule and macromolecules of food industry interest;
3. the management and optimization of microbial activity in relation of raw material and final products features as well as manufacturing processes.
4.Innovative bioconversion concepts for food processing in sustainable and circular bioeconomy
Course contents
Microbial Starter cultures. Natural and guided fermentation. Use of Starter cultures. Selection criteria of starter cultures.
Dairy products. Definition. Enzymatic and acid
coagulation and role of microorganisms. Influence of microbial
quality of milk. Selected and natural starters: their role in
cheese making. Cheese ripening: microorganisms and biochemical
transformations. Fermented milks: production technology and
Bakery products. Microbiological characteristics of baked
goods. Direct and indirect baking. Microbiology of sourdough.
Relationships between microbial population.
Fermented sausages: productive process and role of
microorganisms in primary fermentation. Role of starter cultures.
Transformation during ripening: role of lactic acid bacteria,
moulds and yeasts.
Wine: alcoholic fermentation: yeast role. Main factors
affecting wine production. Malolactic fermentation. wine alteration
caused by microorganisms.
Beer: definition and classification; microorganisms and natural fermentation; main factors affecting beer production. Starter cultures.
Oxidative transformation: vinegar.Acetic bacteria and selection of starters for the production of vinegar.
Basic information on fermented foods from fruits and leaves. Basic information on the fermentation to obtain coffee and cocoa.
Production of food ingredients, enzymes and aroma throughout microorganisms.
Innovative bioconversion concepts for food processing in sustainable and circular bioeconomy: basic concepts on bio-economy; waste and by-products valorisation; use of alternative protein sources; technologies alternative to heat treatments -Module of 15 h by the visiting professor Oliver K. Schlüter.
Zambonelli, Tini, Giudici, Grazia "Microbiologia degli alimenti fermentati" Calderini-Edagricole 2001
Mucchetti, Neviani. Microbiologia e tecnologie lattiero-casearie. Tecnichenuove 2006
Arnold L. Demain and Julian E. Davies (Eds.), "Manual of Industrial microbiology and biotechnology". Second edition. ASM Press
Gobbetti M., Corsetti A. (2010) Biotecnologia dei lievitati da forno. Zanichelli.
Suzzi G. Tofalo R. 2018 . Microbiologia Enologica. Edagricole Università e Formazione.
Slides and bibliographic materials provided by R. Lanciotti and O. K. Schlüter and available at IOL.
Teaching methods
Lectures by Rosalba Lanciotti and the visiting professor Oliver K. Schlüter. Prof Schlüter has a module of 15 hours.
Seminars by experts and well known colleagues.
Study visits to fermented food and beverage industries (if possible according the sanitary situation and the anticovid regulations).
Assessment methods
Oral evaluation by means of 3/4 questions on the issues treated during the lessons, seminars and study visits.
The student knowledge will be assessed on the basis of the following criteria: i) knowledge, comprehension and discussion capability of the subjects ii) critical and communication capability; iii) mastery of technical and scientific language. The maximum score can be 30 eventually cum laude.
The final score will be the arithmetic average of the scores obtained in both the modules of Professors R. Lanciotti and F. Gardini. The final evaluation will be recorded by prof. Gardini.
The enrollment must be accomplished through ALMAESAMI as well as the cancellation, which must be before the starting date of the exam session. The eligible students can agree with the professors an eventual exam out of the official calendar.
Teaching tools
Slide-projector; Overhead-projector, PC
The materials will be provided to the students by means of IOL platform [https://iol.unibo.it/] or reserved (to the student of the course) exchange folder
Office hours
See the website of Rosalba Lanciotti
See the website of Oliver Schluter
This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.