- Docente: Tommaso Duranti
- Credits: 6
- SSD: M-STO/01
- Language: Italian
- Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
- Campus: Bologna
First cycle degree programme (L) in
History (cod. 0962)
Also valid for First cycle degree programme (L) in History (cod. 0962)
First cycle degree programme (L) in Humanities (cod. 8850)
Learning outcomes
The course focuses on the development of art of falconry (UNESCO Intangible Heritage) during the Middle Ages, and especially through the important treaty of Frederick II. As well as being an important exercise for the aristocratic elite hunting, hunting with raptors is a representation and an exercise of art of government, and has close connections with wisdom growth. The course will also deepen the evolution of these issues that arise with strong similarities across different civilizations and different periods, between East and West.
Course contents
The course is organized in two parts, (30 hours + 30 hours).
Attention: students who have in their study plan 6cfu - cod. 27179 (First cycle degree in Humanitis OR enrolled for the academic year 2021/22 in the III year of the First cycle degree in History) must follow the second part of the course.
Part I (first 30 hours, starting from 20 September 2021): Medieval institutions: the first part will provide a diachronic overview of the institutional organization of medieval European Latin societies, focusing mainly on political institutions and those with a public value.
Part II (last 30 hours, starting from 8 November 2021): The Italian Comuni: the second part will focuses on the historiographic theme of Italian communi, in particular from a political and institutional perspective. The evolution of the historiographical question will be summarized. It will then be investigated the institutional phases and the general political issues, with exemplifications taken from the events of the main Italian communi.
ATTENDING STUDENTS (who attends AT LEAST 24 lessons (12 cfu) or 12 lessons (6cfu)):
In addition to the notes and material used during the lessons, attending students will prepare the exam on:
Part I:
1. L. Tanzini – F.P. Tocco, Un Medioevo mediterraneo. Mille anni tra Oriente e Occidente, Carocci, Roma, 2020
Part II:
1. G. Milani, I comuni italiani, Laterza, Roma-Bari, 2005
Part I:
1. L. Tanzini – F.P. Tocco, Un Medioevo mediterraneo. Mille anni tra Oriente e Occidente, Carocci, Roma, 2020
Part II:
1. G. Milani, I comuni italiani, Laterza, Roma-Bari, 2005
2. L. Tanzini, A consiglio. La vita politica nell'Italia dei comuni, Laterza, Roma-Bari, 2014
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons: presentation of the themes and insights of some particular aspects, contextualized in the late medieval period. During the lesson some sources, in Italian translation, will be used and commented.
Assessment methods
The exam is oral. The assessment will be done through a few questions designed to ascertain the knowledge gained in the lessons and topics contained in the books in the program; the property of language and exposure; the ability to make links between the various topics.
The achievement of a comprehensive and critical knowledge of the studied themes and an articulated exhibition capacity will be assessed with a rating of excellence.
Knowledge only mnemonic of topics, with synthesis and exposure in a proper language will be evaluated with discrete votes.
Gaps in knowledge and an elementary language during exposure will be evaluated with just enough votes.
Gaps in knowledge, inappropriate language and lack of orientation within the materials indicated in the program will be evaluated negatively.
Teaching tools
Office hours
See the website of Tommaso Duranti
This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.