Academic Year 2020/2021

Learning outcomes

At the end of the course the student: - will know the scenarios of social development of the child and adolescent; - will know some of the main interpretative models of family system at national and international level; - has theoretical as well as operational tools for reading family contexts; - will be able to understand and critically analyze the factors that contribute to determining gender roles; - will be able to master the category of gender and the concepts proper to contemporary feminist thought, applying them to the international context; - will know the dynamics relating to gender inequalities in Italy, both in the family and outside the family (in particular educational and employment); will be able to understand the current evolution of motherhood and fatherhood; will know the main policies related to work-family balance in a comparative international perspective; will master gender differences from a historical and sociological perspective.

Course contents

The course aims to present the basic concepts of family sociology and gender differences. It is organized in two parts. The first part, after introducing some sociological perspectives on family, sex, gender and sexual orientation, explores the following topics: dynamics relating to socialization to sexual roles; implications of differences and inequalities between men and women; main stages of gender emancipation in Italian history and the history of feminism; gender imagery in contemporary media and cultural products. The second part focuses on family dynamics in a gender perspective and focuses on stages of transition to adulthood; fertility and the labor market; family ties; work-family balance; make family in daily experience.


Mandatory readings are:
1. Slides available in the e-learning environment of the course (see Virtuale.Unibo);
2. R. Ghigi, Fare la differenza. L'educazione di genere dalla prima infanzia all'età adulta, Il Mulino 2019;
3. R. Ghigi & R. Sassatelli, Corpo, genere e società, Bologna, Il Mulino (only chapters 1, 2, 5, 6);
4. Further documents (as Pdf) indicated as mandatory readings in the e-learning environment of the course (see Virtuale.Unibo).

In order to be considered as an attending student one has to answer to four assignments on the E-learning platform by 20 May 2021. These assignments replace the study of the chapters of text n.3 (Ghigi & Sassatelli's).

Erasmus students are permitted to write e-learning assignments and the final test English. Alternatively, they can ask to the teacher to prepare a different program on texts in English.

E-learning tests are reserved for the 8 CFU program.

Teaching methods

Interactive classes; reading of texts; multimedia supports. E-learning environment.

Assessment methods

The 8 CFU exam consists, for all, of a written test on texts and slides and, for non-attending students only, also on questions on the chapters of the book by Ghigi & Sassatelli.
To be considered attending students, one has to answer to four assignments on the e-learning platform by 20 May 2021.
The score obtained in the answers on the book by Ghigi & Sassatelli (or in the e-learning assignments, for attending students) is up to 10 points overall and adds to that obtained in the rest of the test (up to 24 points).

A facsimile of assignment test is visible in the e-learning platform, available to both attending and non-attending students.
For further information, see the platform on Virtuale.

Teaching tools

Slides; readings; videos and multimedia; e-learning platform.

Office hours

See the website of Rossella Ghigi


Gender equality Decent work and economic growth Reduced inequalities

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.