Academic Year 2020/2021

  • Docente: Marco Cavina
  • Credits: 4
  • SSD: IUS/19
  • Language: Italian
  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: Single cycle degree programme (LMCU) in Law (cod. 0659)

    Also valid for Single cycle degree programme (LMCU) in Law (cod. 9232)

Course contents

The course focuses on the critical-analytical exposition of the spirit of traditional African law in the colonial and post-colonial ages.

More specifically:

1. the problem of women’s rights (outside and inside the family)

2. the persistent criminalization of witchcraft and magic practices.

The students will examine judgments, laws, religious and customary practices.


The texts of the following articles will be freely available in Virtual Learning (overall: 210 pages):

L. ADINOLFI, La legislazione familiare nel Togo: una prova del cambiamento; M. CAVINA, Il missionario, il giudice, il legislatore. decrittazioni giuridiche della stregoneria nell’Africa occidentale subsahariana (sec. XVII-XX) [https://cris.unibo.it/handle/11585/759812] [senza le appendici]; M. GUADAGNI, Note sulle fonti del diritto etiopico: (con particolare riferimento all'istituto del divorzio); M. LURASCHI, Donne a Bamenda: associazioni, reti e (pre)giudizi di genere, pp. 244-258; M. LURASCHI, La strategia politica delle società regolatrici femminili dei Grassfields (NwCamerun): il caso del Takumbeng; G. PUSSETTI, Le donne, la morte, il dolore: pratiche funebri ed elaborazione del lutto tra i Bijagó dell'isola di Bubaque (Guinea Bissau); C. PASQUINELLI, Identità di genere e prezzo della sposa. antropologia delle mutilazioni dei genitali; F. REMOTTI, Donne e capre nel matrimonio Nande; G. SCALETTARIS, Trasformazioni dell'istituzione matrimoniale presso i Kikuyu del Kenya; A. TARANTINO, Il matrimonio tra i Lango anticamente ed al presente.


Teaching methods

The oral lessons will be held in the II semester.

The lectures will be supported by the projection of slides.

There are spaces for in-depth study and discussion for attending students.

Assessment methods

The exam is oral.

For attending students an optional 'test' is possible at the end of the course, and also an optional little 'personal research', whose score will supplement the profit rating.

The following criteria will be used to assign the final mark (that will be out of 30/30):

- knowledge of a very limited number of topics, extensive support by the interviewer to address and answer the questions, basic yet appropriate language à 18-19;

- knowledge of a limited number of topics, ability to autonomously address basic legal problems, use of appropriate language → 20-24;

- comprehensive knowledge of the programme, ability to autonomously and critically analyse legal problems, use of specific terminology → 25-29;

- extensive knowledge of the programme, ability to reason autonomously and critically analyse legal problems, make connections between the topics, ability to master the specific terminology and ability to present legal arguments. → 30-30L

Teaching tools


Office hours

See the website of Marco Cavina


No poverty Gender equality Reduced inequalities Peace, justice and strong institutions

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.