90465 - Introduction To Dialogical Interpretation Between French And Italian (First Language)

Academic Year 2020/2021

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Forli
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Intercultural and Linguistic Mediation (cod. 8059)

Learning outcomes

The student knows the problems linked with dialogue interpreting and can opt for ethically correct behaviour - s/he can use basic dialogue interpreting strategies

Course contents

This course will introduce the students to the basic concepts of Conversation Analysis so as to clarify the idea of talk as interaction between participants and to show the different levels of analysis of oral interactions (interpersonal relation, turn-taking, coherence). An important role will be played by the students learning to learn, that is by their ability to autonomously take charge of their own learning starting from their oral production as well as from authentic audio-visual materials.


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Teaching methods

From a methodological viewpoint, we will make use of both monologic and dialogic “texts”, and of two pedagogic strategies: the observation and deconstruction of discourse and interaction and, above all, the students' participation in practical activities (such as memorization and reformulation with and without note-taking, simulations of real working situations, sigh translations, etc.) on different topics (tourism, food, work, public administration, etc.)

The course alternates betwen lectures, class exercises, and home preparation of short presentations to be given in class.

Assessment methods

The oral exam will consist in two interpreting exercises on one of the topics covered during the course:

- the simulation of an interpreter-mediated situation (Italian <> French);

- the sight translation of a short excerpt (French > Italian).

Teaching tools

Computer with overhead projector;

Audio and/or video recordings;

Monolingual or pluriligual oral corpora;

IOL or Moodle platform (address and password will be communicated at course beginning)

Office hours

See the website of Natacha Sarah Alexandra Niemants


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