30803 - Professional Skills Laboratory: Pedagogy II (G.E)

Academic Year 2020/2021

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Pedagogy - Science of education (cod. 9206)

    Also valid for Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Pedagogy - Science of education (cod. 9206)

Learning outcomes

At the end of the workshop the student: - is able to move independently in applying specific techniques learned independently or within designs organized by the institutions; - Knows how to deal with others on how to use and documentation of the techniques learned. - Knows how to place the specific knowledge learned in different types of service; - Be able to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of instrumentation techniques learned; - Will be able to transfer the technologies learned in different contexts while making amendments and additions personal.

Course contents

Educate IN Nature to Educate Sustainability

The Master's Degree in Pedagogy, developing various and specific second-level functions in social-educational services, can be present in services such as co-ordinator and consultant for working groups, can educate trainees, or may still have design competencies for educational and Educational research.

The workshop intends to reflect on the IN environment education as a fundamental teaching strategy, so lectures in complex natural contexts will be provided.


  • Bertolino F., Guerra M., Schenetti M., Antonietti M. (2017), Educazione e natura: radici profonde, sfide presenti, prospettive future, in Bondioli A. e Savio D. (a cura di), Crescere Bambini, Edizioni Junior, Parma, pp. 59-75.

    Schenetti M., Salvaterra I., (2017) Boschi. Materiali naturali tra bambini e genitori, in Guerra M., (a cura di) Materie intelligenti, Spaggiari edizioni.

  • Schenetti M., Donati P., (2016) Sguardi nel verde: quando l’educazione incontra la natura in Balduzzi L., Pironi T., (a cura di) L'Osservazione al nido, Franco Angeli,
  • Rossini, Salvaterra, Schenetti (2015), La scuola nel bosco. Pedagogia, didattica e natura, edizioni Erickson, Trento
  • Schenetti M., Quando l'educazione ambientale può educare alla sostenibilità [https://cris.unibo.it/handle/11585/506774], «SCUOLA ITALIANA MODERNA», 2015, 7, pp. 76 - 80

Teaching methods

The lab includes active didactic methodologies and dive experiences in nature led by an experienced environmental educator. In alerts you can find directions on how to reach the various places.

Assessment methods

Final processing report starting from a focused focus chosen by the individual or by groups.

Office hours

See the website of Michela Schenetti


Good health and well-being Gender equality Climate Action Life on land

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.