78295 - Mechanics of Solids and Structures

Academic Year 2020/2021

Learning outcomes

The goal of the course is to provide the students with the fundamental concepts of solid mechanics and the methodologies for structural analysis.

Course contents

Requirements/Prior knowledge

A prior knowledge and understanding of mathematical analysis, linear algebra and rational mechanics is required to attend with profit this course.

Fluent spoken Italian is a necessary pre-requisite: all lectures and tutorials, and all study material will be in Italian.


Course Contents
The themes developed during the course are related to

  • Course introduction
  • Static and kinematic of the rigid body
  • Static and kinematic of a system of rigid bodies
  • Internal action in a beam like solid
  • Theory of statically determined structures
  • Stress analysis
  • Strain analysis
  • Stress-strain relation in elastic materials
  • The Principal of Virtual Work
  • Strength criteria
  • Geometrical properties of mass distribution
  • Problems of the Saint-Venant’s cylinder
  • Theory of statically undetermined structures
  • Force and deformation based methods
  • Structural elastic stability


  • E. Viola, Lezioni di Scienza delle Costruzioni, Pitagora Editrice Bologna, 2003.
  • E. Viola, Esercitazioni di Scienza delle Costruzioni, Vol. 1, Pitagora Editrice Bologna, 1993.
  • E. Viola, Esercitazioni di Scienza delle Costruzioni, Vol. 2, Pitagora Editrice Bologna, 1993.
  • Teaching methods

    The course content will be entirely covered by the lectures. The course includes some laboratory sessions, which will cover the practical aspects of some lectures. The student is guided to solve isostatic and hyperstatic structures, cross-section design and other problems of the Mechanics of Solids and Structures by using the knowledge acquired during classes.

    Assessment methods

    The exam consists a written test and an oral test. The themes of the two parts refer to the program above.

    The written test is made of 3 exercise, with 3 questions each. The student has 3 hour to work on the written test.

    The oral test, developed through a written test, and completed with an oral discussion afterwards, consists in 5 question. For each correct answer, the student gets 6 point as a maximum.

    The final mark is, usually, the mean value of the marks of the written and the oral tests.

    Teaching tools

    Visits to the Laboratory of Structural and Geotechnical Engineering (LISG) are planned to show students laboratory tests on concrete and steel specimens.

    Office hours

    See the website of Alessandro Marzani

    See the website of Elena Ferretti


    Industry, innovation and infrastructure

    This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.