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Alessandro Marzani received a M.Sc. in Structural Engineering from the University of California, San Diego, USA and a M.Sc. (Laurea) in Civil Engineering from the University of Bologna, Italy. In 2005 he obtained the Ph.D. in Structural Engineering from the University of Calabria, Italy.
Dr. Marzani research interests include non-destructive evaluation techniques of materials and structures, structural monitoring, linear and non-linear ultrasonic guided wave propagation, structural optimization and structural identification strategies. His recent research looks also at structured materials for wave propagation control (metamaterials).
He has been the coordinator of national and European projects, and principal investigator of industrial research contracts. Dr. Marzani is a LEVEL 3 for NDT testing based on guided waves (UNI EN 473 e ISO 9712), holds three patents and actively cooperates with public authorities on the standardization of methodologies and technologies for non-destructive testing and structural health monitoring.
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