Foto del docente

Alessandro Marzani

Full Professor

Department of Civil, Chemical, Environmental, and Materials Engineering

Academic discipline: CEAR-06/A Mechanics of Solids and Structures

Director of First Cycle Degree in Building Construction Engineering

Curriculum vitae


  • Full Professor, ICAR08, 08/B2 - Structural Mechanics, University of Bologna, Italy (since 20/09/2021).
  • Associate Professor, ICAR08, 08/B2 - Structural Mechanics, University of Bologna, Italy (since 21/10/2014).
  • Assistant Professor, ICAR/08, 08/B2 - Structural Mechanics, University of Bologna, Italy (since 15/07/2005).


  • Post-Doctoral Researcher, University of Bologna, Italy
  • Ph.D., Engineering of Materials and Structures, University of Calabria, Italy.
  • M.S., Structural Engineering, University of California, San Diego, California.
  • Laurea (M.S.), Magna Cum Laude, Civil Engineering, University of Bologna, Italy.


  • INAIL BRIC 2021: “Digital Smart Structures - DS2”, 01/11/2021-30/10/2023, 24 months, partner PI.
  • H2020-INFRAIA-2016-2017 – SERA TA: “Resonant metamaterial-based earthquake risk mitigation of large-scale structures and infrastructure systems: assessment of an innovative proof-of-concept via medium-size scale testing - ReWarD”, 24 months, project PI.
  • H2020 MSCA-ITN-ETN “Innovative ground interface concepts for structure protection – INSPIRE”, proposal n°813424, 03/2019-02/2023, 48 months, partner PI.
  • INAIL BRIC 2018: “Manutenzione intelligente (smart maintenance) di impianti industriali e opere civili mediante tecnologie di monitoraggio 4.0 e approcci prognostici – MAC4PRO”, 15/04/2019-15/04/2021, project PI.
  • FP7-AAT-2011-RTD-1: “Smart Intelligent Aircraft Structures – SARISTU”, project n°284562, 09/2011 - 08/2015, 48 months, partner PI.
  • NATIONAL SCIENCE CENTRE POLAND: "Investigation of elastic wave propagation phenomenon in composite materials with imperfections", framework for bi-lateral Cooperation between Poland and Italy - HARMONIA, PI Prof. Wieslaw Ostachowicz. 04/2013 - 03/2015, 36 months, project Co-PI.
  • INAIL BRIC 2016: “Sviluppo di una Smart Platform (SmartBench) per la sicurezza integrata degli stabilimenti industriali ad Alta Affidabilità”, 07/2017-06/2019, partner PI.



  • ENI: "Development, realization and testing of an Acoustic Emission system for monitoring the structural integrity of tanks", Research and Technological Development Division ENI S.p.a., 08/2021-12/2021.
  • ENI: "Development, realization and testing of an Acoustic Emission system for monitoring the structural integrity of tanks", Research and Technological Development Division ENI S.p.a., 07/2019-03/2021.
  • ENI: "Development, realization and testing of an Acoustic Emission system for monitoring the structural integrity of tanks", Research and Technological Development Division ENI S.p.a., 07/2018-01/2019.
  • ENI R&M: "Identificazioni di occlusioni in reti di condotte per il trasporto di fluidi monofasici", Research and Technological Development Division ENI S.p.a., 07-11/2010.
  • ENI R&M: "Metodo inverso per la stima dei parametri incogniti in reti di approvvigionamento olio e gas", Research and Technological Development Division ENI S.p.a., 07/2009 - 02/2010.
  • Univerity of Bologna: "Support for new Laboratories", Faculty of Engineering, University of Bologna.


  • Most important scientific publications on high-level international journals for the 2017, Polish Academy of Science, Gdanks, 3 July 2018.
  • Co-author of the project “Intelligent Structures” recipient of the 2nd Prize “Start Cup Emilia Romagna 2014”; 1st Prize “Clean Launchpad 2014” competition organized by the Climate-KIC partnership ( ); 4st Prize at the “Premio Nazionale 2018 dell’Innovazione 2105”. The same project was awarded by the “Menzione d’onore” (Honorable Mention) from the Italian Association of Engineers (2015).
  • Best Paper Award at the 6th edition of the “International Building Physics Conference (IBPC)”, organized by the International Association of Building Physics (IABP) (2015).
  • Best Teacher Award 2015, Master program in “Civil Engineering”, Alma Mater Studiorum, (A.Y. 2014-15).
  • Best poster presentation at the Jacobs School of Engineering Research Review 2004, Department of Structural Engineering, University of California San Diego UCSD, (2004).
  • Best Academic Laurea thesis, SPINNER - "Servizi per la Promozione dell'INNovazione E della Ricerca" (2001).


  • Graduate Student Researcher, Department of Structural Engineering, University of California, San Diego (10/2003 to 11/2004).
  • Visiting Scholar, Department of Structural Engineering, University of California, San Diego (10/2002 to 09/2003).
  • "Marco Polo" to support research studies abroad (4 months), Faculty of Engineering, University of Bologna (2007).
  • "Human Resources and Mobility", Marie Curie Conferences & Training Courses Fellowship (2006).


  • "Method for identifying obstructions in pipeline networks for transporting fluids", T. Mantegazza, A. Di Lullo, P. Bocchini, A. Marzani, Patent Nr. 0001411724 (5/11/2014). Extended to US20150134276 (14/05/2015) and WO2013171666 (granted in Kazakistan and Mozambico).
  • “Piezoelectric sensor, system and method for monitoring the integrity of structures”, L. De Marchi, N. Testoni, P. Francia, G. Masetti, A. Marzani, Patent Nr. 0001426034 (29/11/2016). Extended PCT/IB2015/056755 (04/09/2015) and published WO 2016/038517.
  • “Device, method and system for real time structural diagnostics with guided elastic waves”, L. De Marchi, N. Testoni, A. Marzani, Patent Nr. 0001429472 (16/08/2017). Extended PCT/IB2016/052168 (14/04/2016) and published WO 2016/166722. Extended USA and EU.


"Numerical method for modelling wave propagation in waveguide structures of arbitrary cross-section", F. Lanza di Scalea, I. Bartoli, S. Coccia, A. Marzani, UC invention case No(s) 2008-832. University of California San Diego UCSD, USA (2006),


"GUIGUW: graphical user interface for guided acoustic waves" A. Marzani, P. Bocchini, software for the computation of the dispersive properties of sonic and ultrasonic stress waves in waveguides free to download at To date, more than 1500 subjects among Universities, Research Centers and Companies are using "GUIGUW".