72727 - Xenobiotic, Environmental Contamination and Food Safety

Academic Year 2020/2021

  • Moduli: Salvatore Nesci (Modulo 1) Giampiero Pagliuca (Modulo 2)
  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures (Modulo 1) Traditional lectures (Modulo 2)
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Animal Biotechnology (cod. 8522)

Learning outcomes

At the end the of the course student has basic knowledges on the main pathways of degradation of xenobiotic and their interaction with food products, it possess knowledge of biochemical processes of bioaccumulation, biotransformation, and detoxification of pollutants in living organisms. The student will possess basic knowledge of European legislation on food safety correlated with the presence of contaminants and the main analytical techniques used in the field.

Course contents

Xenobiotics and pollutants:

-Interaction between xenobiotics and organisms

-Reactive Oxygen and Nitrogen Specie

-Metabolism of xenobiotics

-Phase I enzymes (Cyt P450)

-Phase II enzymes

-Degradation pathways of some xenobiotics

-Biotrasformation of metals.


-Bacterial toxins


-Toxins form marine organisms

Basic knowledge of European legislation on food safety correlated with the presence of contaminants and the main analytical techniques used in the field.


Casarett & Doull - Elementi di Tossicologia (Hrelia P and Cantelli Forti G), Casa Editrice Ambrosiana, Milano, 2013


Teaching notes available on-line.

Teaching methods

Frontal lesson, discussion on scientific articles


Assessment methods

The principal learning outcomes that will be assessed are:

-knowledge of biochemical processes of environmental interest regarding interctions between xenobiotics and food products

-ability to use analytical techniques

-formulate judgements based on European legislation concerning food safety

The final grade will be composed of:

50% on the active participation during lecture and laboratory activities;

50% on oral discussion about lecture topics.

This teaching is part of an Integrated Course, the final grade will be proportional to the CFU of each teaching



Part 1

The evaluation of the student will be based on presentation on a previously defined topic and on an oral discussion about pa program topic.

The final grade will be based on the quality of the presentation and on the ability to correlate program topics.

Part 2

The evaluation of the student consists in one written test and a teamwork.

The written exam is a of 30 Multiple Choice Questions test. Each correct answer gives 1 point, errors or no answers 0 points. The test is corrected and discussed in class.

The final grade will include the active participation during the teamwork (based on the oral presentation and of the team discussion of the assigned issue).

Teaching tools

Blackboard, video-projector, PC.

Office hours

See the website of Salvatore Nesci

See the website of Giampiero Pagliuca