39258 - Professional Workshop 1 (BO)

Academic Year 2019/2020

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Imaging and Radiotherapy techniques (cod. 9079)

Learning outcomes

The student acquires the ability to carry out exercises in a protected environment on traditional radiology equipment, to carry out the movement of the patient, to perform simulation tests with dummy, and any other action or preparation preparatory to the internship.

Course contents

The Professional I laboratory is the place where students, in a protected environment, can acquire part or all of the skills necessary for the practical exercise before starting the actual training at the radiology in agreement with the University.

The laboratory then provides the opportunity to become familiar with the techniques and tools that will be used during the internship.

The student will follow the Tutor who, with the help of a mannequin, will identify the path a patient takes in a radiology, starting with identification and acceptance, to the techniques of handling and execution of radiographs up to the leave from radiology.

In this environment the student will learn about the necessary equipment and tools that will allow him to perform radiographic projections, by experimenting to correct his mistakes.

The student will also learn the various techniques of patient movement using the various aids that can be used.

The student will learn to know the spaces of a radiological diagnostic and how to move in them.

The purpose of the professional laboratory is therefore to involve and assist students in practical activities so that they can apply the concepts acquired during the theoretical lessons and apply them in a protected working environment without anxieties and fears and above all without fear of harming the patient.

Teaching methods

The acquisition of practical and non-skilled skills (Skills and No Skills) through learning in the laboratory.

Assessment methods

During the Professional Laboratory I students will undergo ongoing tests, through practical tests that have been designed to stimulate the student on learning processes and study methods and strategies in order to encourage self-assessment.

At the end of this course the student will undergo a final practical test of suitability which will be preparatory for the beginning of the internship in the various radiological realities.

Teaching tools

Teaching material: Frontal lesson with use of Power Point
Tools: Dummy, Radiological Equipment, Radiological Digital Systems, Radiographic Cassettes, Radiographic Material, Protective Devices, Handling Devices
The teaching material may undergo updates and / or changes based on the evolution of scientific techniques and didactic-organizational contingencies

Office hours

See the website of Stefano Corlaita


Good health and well-being

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.