31012 - Chemistry

Academic Year 2019/2020

  • Docente: Laura Sisti
  • Credits: 6
  • SSD: CHIM/07
  • Language: Italian
  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Environmental Engineering (cod. 9198)

Learning outcomes

The learning outcomes of the course are to understand the atomic and molecular nature of all phases of matter, to understand the various ways of depicting chemical compounds and chemical reactions, to develop an ability to solve basic quantitative chemical problems and to apply this knowledge to general scientific problems in various fields of science and engineering.

Course contents

It is not necessary to posses a prior knowledge of chemistry or specific understanding to attend with profit this course.

Fluent spoken and written italian is a necessary pre-requisite: all lectures and tutorials, and all study materials will be in italian.

The course contents are as follows:

Atomic structure of matter: atoms, fundamental particles, atomic number, isotopes, atomic mass, mole and molar mass. Stable nuclides and radionuclides. Radioactivity. Nomenclature of compounds.

Electronic structure of atoms and periodicity of atomic properties: the wave nature of matter, wave mechanics, atomic orbitals, quantum numbers, electronic configurations of the elements and periodic properties.

Chemical bonds: ionic bonds and structure of ionic crystals. Covalent bond: hybrid orbitals and molecular structure, molecular orbital theory. Covalent crystals. Polarity of molecules. Metallic bond: band theory. Weak interactions.

Stoichiometry, chemical reactions and redox.

States of matter: gases, ideal gas law, mixture of gases and real gases. Liquid state: solutions and measures of concentration. Exercises. Solids: kinds of crystals.

Chemical equilibrium: the equilibrium constant, the respons of equilibria to changes.

 Chemical kinetics: reaction rate, rate law and activation energy. Catalysts.

Ionic equilibria in acqueous solutions. Acids and bases. pH determination.

Thermochemistry: Hess's Law of heat. Standard reactions enthalpies, enthalpies of formation and combustion.


One of the following book is recommended:

P. Atkins, L. Jones. Principi di Chimica. Zanichelli

R. CHANG. Fondamenti di Chimica Generale. McGraw Hill

Teaching methods

The course is based on class lectures through slides, exercises and problems sessions.

Assessment methods

Achievements will be assessed by the means of a final exam. This is based on an analytical assessment of the "expected learning outcomes" described above.

In order to properly assess such achievement the examination is composed of a written session, which consists of a test, duration 90 mins, composed of theorethical questions and exercises, according to the course contents described above.

 To obtain a passing grade, at least 18/30, students are required to demonstrate a knowledge of the key concepts of the subject:

- atomic structure of matter and its properties in various states of aggregation

- methods of solving exercises of basic chemistry

Teaching tools

The teaching material shown in class will be made available to the students through "IOL" website.
The didactic material provided to the students, even if integrated by the notes taken in class, is not substituting the suggested reference books, but constitutes a guide for the selection and understanding of the topics to be treated.

Office hours

See the website of Laura Sisti