78026 - Painting in the Early Modern Period (LM)

Academic Year 2019/2020

Learning outcomes

The course aims to provide the student with an opportunity to deepen his knowledge of the topics, protagonists and events of European painting ranging from the fifteenth century to the eighteenth century. At the end of the course, the student will be expected to have a greater mastery of the methodological resources sufficient to analyse the work of art from a formal, stylistic and iconographic, as well as technical, point of view. Moreover, he will be able to understand artistic document’s link with the historic, social, religious and cultural framework in which it was painted.

Course contents

"The Carracci's Reform"

This course will be held in the first semester, and divided into two modules of 30 hours of lessons each, corresponding to 6 credits.

  • LM students in Visual Arts (inscribed in 2018-2019) shall refer to both modules (12 credits exam)
  • LM students in Visual Arts (inscribed in 2019-2020) shall refer only to the first module (6 credits exam),
  • LM students in Italian Studies, European Literary Cultures, Language Sciences shall refer only to the first module (6 credits exam).

First module (6 credits)

The first module examines the transition from late Gothic to the Renaissance in Bologna: Giovanni da Modena, Jacopo della Quercia, Marco Zoppo, Nicolò dell'Arca and the great Ferrarese artists in Bologna (Francesco del Cossa, Ercole de 'Roberti).

Second module (6 credits)

The second module examines the artistic activity in Bologna between the end of the fifteenth and the beginning of the sixteenth centuries: Lorenzo Costa, Antonio da Crevalcore, Francesco Francia, Amico Aspertini.


- Students has to know the chapters of an Art History textbook from the fifteenth to the eighteenth centuries (from Late Gothic to Neoclassicism). The following textbooks are recommended: G. Briganti, C. Bertelli, A. Giuliano, Storia dell'arte italiana, Milan, Electa, 1986 (and reprints); P. De Vecchi, E. Cerchiari, Arte nel tempo, Milan, Bompiani, 1991 (and reprints); S. Settis, T. Montanari, Arte. Una storia naturale e civile, Milano, Mondadori, 2019. If you would like to use other textbooks, please contact the teacher.

For the final examination Students enrolled in the 6 CFU are required to prepare all the texts listed in Section One.

For the final examination (first and second modules 12 CFU), students are required to prepare all the texts listed in Section One, plus at least two texts from Section Two.

Section One: The beginnings of the Renaissance in Bologna

The following three texts:

- Carlo Volpe, Tre vetrate ferraresi e il Rinascimento a Bologna, in “Arte antica e moderna”, 1, 1958, pp. 23-37 (this text will be available among the teaching materials of the course);

- Andrea Bacchi, Francesco del Cossa, Soncino 1991, or: Giacomo A. Calogero, Il polittico di San Clemente di Agostino De Marchi e Marco Zoppo. Documenti, cronologia e stile, in “Prospettiva”, 163/164 (July / October 2016), pp. 28-49 (this text will be available among the teaching materials of the course);

- Daniele Benati, Un Rinascimento rustico e fiero. Il Quattrocento a Bologna, in Da Bononia a Bologna. Percorsi d’eccellenza nell’arte bolognese, ed. by Giovanni Pellinghelli, Allemandi, Torino, 2012, pp. 77-83 (this text will be available among the teaching materials of the course).

Section Two: Bologna 1478-1506

A text chosen from the followings:

- Amico Aspertini, 1474-1552: artista bizzarro nell'età di Dürer e Raffaello, catalogo della mostra (Bologna 2008), a cura di Andrea Emiliani, Daniela Scaglietti Kelescian, Milano 2008;

- Cecilia Cavalca, La pala d’altare a Bologna nel Rinascimento. Opere, artisti e città 1450-1500, Silvana Ed., Milano 2013, in part. pp. 177-243 (L’imporsi della pala a superficie unificata).

Teaching methods

Lectures and tours guided by the teacher.

Assessment methods

Students will be assessed by means of an oral examination in which the candidate is required to engage in critical analysis based on the course readings.


Evaluation of the oral examination will follow the usual principle of judging excellence to mean evidence of a solid artistic and historical grounding and of a mature critical awareness.

During the oral examination, students must demonstrate to have acquired a critical understanding of the topics discussed during the course and a critical knowledge of the recommended bibliography.

After completing the course the student will be able:

• To know the features of artwork in early modern period

• Identify and analyze the most significant works

• Develop personal reflections

• Demonstrate a critical understanding of the various issues discussed

• Use correct terminology

The achievement of a comprehensive vision of the issues, the possession of a specific language, the originality of the reflection as well as familiarity with artwork analysis tools will be evaluated with marks of excellence. Knowledge mostly mechanical or mnemonic of matter, a capacity of synthesis and analysis articulated or not, a use of proper language but not always appropriate, as well as a school domain of the arguments of the course will lead to fair valuations. Training gaps or use inappropriate language, as well as a lack of knowledge of the arguments will lead to votes that will amount on the sufficiency threshold. Training gaps, inappropriate language, lack of orientation within the bibliography and inability to analyze will be evaluated negatively.

The assessment procedure is the same for students who attend or do not attend lectures.

Teaching tools

Lectures with digital slides, which will be made available for students.

Office hours

See the website of Daniele Benati


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