27824 - History and Media (1) (LM) (M-Z)

Academic Year 2018/2019

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Cinema, Television and Multimedia Production (cod. 0966)

    Also valid for Second cycle degree programme (LM) in History and Oriental Studies (cod. 8845)

Learning outcomes

The course is tought in Italian, with the vision of media and films in other languages (mostly Italian, French, and English).

For a complete program, see its Italian version on webside

Course contents

The course is devided in two parts:

1. A general introduction to public history and to the methodology on relation and interaction betw history and representation, in cinema, museums, literature,etc. This year it will be analized the representation of the two principal 20th wars: WWI and WWII in cinema and in public history.

2. The narration of Italian  and German Post War societies during the transition from Fascism/Nazism to the new Republics,  and postwar reconstruction 1944/1949, made by movies and newsreals films.


three readings:

For everyone:

- F. Focardi e di B. Groppo, a cura di, "L'Europa e le sue memorie. Politiche e culture del ricordo dopo l'89" , Viella, Roma, 2013 (Dogliani's chapt and another chosen chapt)

2 readings chosen among:

- Enrico Gaudenzi, La Grande Guerra dei registi. La prima guerra mondiale tra narrazioni e censure, Clueb, uscita novembre 2017

Marco Bertozzi, Storia del documentario italiano, Marsilio 2008

-Patrizia Dogliani, Tra guerra e pace. Memoria e rappresentazione dei conflitti e dell'Olocausto nell'Occidente contemporaneo, Unicopli, 2001

- Andreina De Clementi, Il prezzo della ricostruzione. L’emigrazione italiana nel secondo dopoguerra, Laterza, 2010

- P. Dogliani, Il fascismo degli italiani. Una storia sociale, Utet, 2014

- David Forgacs, Margini d'Italia. L'esclusione sociale dall'Unità ad oggi, Laterza, 2015

- D. Forgacs – Stephen Gungle, Cultura di massa e società italiana 1936-1954, Il Mulino, 2007

- Stephen Gundle, Mussolini’s Dream Factory, Berghahn, 2013

- Stefano Pisu, Il XX secolo sul red carpet. Politica, economia e cultura nei festival internazionali del cinema, 1932-1976, Franco Angeli, 2016

- Camilla Poesio, Tutto è ritmo, tutto è swing. Il Jazz, il fascismo e la società italiana, Le Monnier, 2018

- Sandro Rinauro, Il cammino della speranza. L’emigrazione clandestina degli italiani nel secondo dopoguerra, Einaudi, 2009

- Ch. Schmidt, Al di là del muro. Cinema e società nella Germania est, clueb, 2009

-Natalie Zemond Davis, La storia al cinema, Viella 2007.

Teaching methods

Front lessons, vision of media, discussion during the class

Assessment methods

The student must prepare a final paper (10/15 pages). The attending class students can choose with the teacher a specific topic. Oral final exam for not attending students, with a presentation of 3 readings and analysis of films and documents..

Foreign students can, under permission, prepare the paper in English, French or Spanish.

Teaching tools

Audiovisual documents and tools  during the course, on original languages.

Office hours

See the website of Patrizia Dogliani