87763 - Advanced Analytical Methodologies in Early Drug Discovery

Academic Year 2018/2019

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Rimini
  • Corso: Single cycle degree programme (LMCU) in Pharmacy (cod. 8414)

Learning outcomes

Students will be taught to understand and apply analytical tools in supporting the discovery of new drugs, which require miniaturization to facilitate the screening of classes of compounds for their binding to the target protein for hit identification (NMR, optical biosensor), but also a deeper characterization of the mechanisms involved in the molecular recognition processes (Circular dichroism, X rays), for probing structure and folding of target protein and their changes upon binding with ligands. Tutorials will be organized in the informatic room to simulate experiments and determine parameters.

Course contents

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Teaching methods

theorical lessons and tutorials

Teaching tools

Participants will be given all lectures slides before the beginning of the course

Office hours

See the website of Vincenza Andrisano