Academic Year 2018/2019

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Agricultural Sciences and Technologies (cod. 9235)

Learning outcomes

At the end of the course, students learn the theoretical and practical fundamentals of general and thematic cartography, and the main methodological and technical contents related to plani-altimetric land survey, for the measurement, management, design and maintenance of agricultural areas and rural buildings.

Course contents

Teaching unit #1: Digital maps (18 hours)

•General maps and thematic maps, sources, geodatabases, types, standards, and fields of application

•Presentation, characteristics, potentials and use of Geographic information systems (GIS softwares)

•The use of digital maps in GIS software: vector and raster maps, aerial and satellite imagery

•Digitalization of maps in agricultural areas

•Land analysis of agricultural areas by layers

•Landform analysis in agricultural areas

•The analysis of data from GPS surveys

•Land suitability problems: general principles, conceptual model, analysis of base maps, synthesis of thematic maps

•Hints of cadastral maps

Teaching unit #2: digital maps practical lessons (12 hours)

•Cartographic analysis of agricultural areas in computer lab with GIS software

Teaching unit #3: agricultural area survey (18 hours)

•Traditional systems for the survey of agricultural areas

•Survey of agricultural areas with satellite systems

•Photogrammetric techniques applied to rural areas and buildings

Teaching unit #4: agricultural area survey: practical applications/practical lessons/demonstrations/seminars (12 hours)

•planimetric and altitude measurement in agricultural areas with the above-mentioned techniques

•Positioning systems and precision agriculture

•Application of drones in agriculture

•Point cloud survey with laser scanners


Lecture notes (available through "Insegnamenti online"). For further in-depth study of specific topics: •Topografia di base. Fondamentali della geomatica per la misura e rappresentazione del territorio. R. Carlucci, A. Riggio. EPC Editore. 2015. •Topografia e costruzioni. Volume topografia. Sistemi di riferimento, strumenti e misure, operazioni sulle superfici. di R. Cannarozzo, L. Cucchiarini, W. Meschieri. Zanichelli. 2012 •Sistemi informativi territoriali, principi e applicazioni. F. Migliaccio, D. Carrion. UTET. 2016 •GIS e ambiente, Guida all'uso di ArcGIS per l'analisi del territorio e la valutazione ambientale. G. Graci, P. Pileri, M. Sedazzari, Dario Flaccovio Editore, 2008. Manuale ArcGIS 10, Guida pratica con esercizi svolti,
Autori: Giovanni Salerno - Barbara Guandalini. •GIS Open source per geologia e ambiente, analisi e gestione di dati territoriali e ambientali con QGIS. V. Noti. Dario Flaccovio Editore, 2014 •Topografia, fotogrammetria e rappresentazione all'inizio del ventunesimo secolo. C. Monti, A. Selvini. Maggioli. 2015 •Elementi di topografia e catasto, UTET, AA.VV., 2011

Teaching methods

The theoretical notions (teaching units 1 and 3) are taught through lectures supported by the projection of the teaching material (presentations and documents), web sites and interactive web sites, multimedia sources, and demonstration of GIS and topographic software. Practical and application knowledge and skills are provided through guided exercises conducted through the use of GIS software in computer lab (teaching unit 2), and through practical lessons/demonstrations/seminars on topographic digital instruments and survey modelling and rendering software, as well as specific application cases (teaching unit 4).

Assessment methods

The assessment is done through an oral examination during which knowledge and skills acquired about each of the theoretical and practical teaching units are evaluated. In particular, a question is asked to the student for each of the teaching units 1 and 3, then the exam passes to the discussion of two application questions focusing on the use of digital cartography in agricultural areas and on the survey of agricultural areas, aimed at verifying the knowledge and skills acquired in teaching units 2 and 4. The student must achieve a sufficient level of knowledge in all the teaching units, and the overall assessment is made by jointly taking into account the level of knowledge and skills acquired by the student in relation to the contents of all the teaching units. Dates, times and locations of the examinations are published on the website of the degree course and AlmaEsami website. Subscriptions through the AlmaEsami web application.

Teaching tools

PC and projector. GIS software. Computer lab equipped with GIS software. Topographic instruments and software.

Office hours

See the website of Daniele Torreggiani