85148 - Chemistry and Conservation of Materials

Academic Year 2018/2019

Learning outcomes

At the end of the course the student knows the constitutive materials of cultural heritage objects, with basic knowledge on chemical composition of the main classes of materials of archaeological and historical-artistic interes and on the decay phenomena. The student will be able to classify the materials as a function of chemical properties and production technologies. Besides, the student knows the chemico-physical l transformations in the material - environment interaction and the principal categories of methods and products for conservation.

Course contents

The course illustrates the chemico-physics characteristics of the main categories of cultural heritage materials and the main production techniques

Basic organic and inorganic general chemistry

Non conductive inorganic materials: natural and artificial stones

Metallic materials: metals and alloys

Organic materials (wood, paper, bones,...)

Raw materials and production techniques of: ceramics and glass, metals and decorative techniques, architectural decorated surfaces (mural paintings, plasters, mosaics, etc.), canvas and wood paintings.

For each class of material, the course will also consider the principal chemico-physical decay phenomena the interactions with the conservation environment

Preventive Conservation


On Line published material (IoL)

J.Henderson, The Science and Archaeology of Materials: an investigation of inorganic materials, Routledge, London ; New York, 2000.

M. Matteini, A. Moles, La chimica nel restauro. I materiali dell'arte pittorica, Nardin, Firenze, 2007

L. Campanella, A. Casoli, M.P. Colombini, R. Marini Bettolo, M. Matteini, L. M. Migneco, A. Montenero, L. Nodari, C. Piccioli, M. Plossi Zappalà, G. Portalone, U. Russo, M. P. Sammartino. Chimica per l'arte, Zanichelli, 2007.

C. Fiori, S. Lorusso, R. Pentrella. Restauro, manutenzione, conservazione dei Beni Culturali: materiali, prodotti, tecniche. Alcune applicazioni nel settore dei beni culturali. Pitagora, Bologna 2003.

The integral study of the aforesaid texts is not compulsory: the student can select the subjects of interest and choose in which of the texts deepen the preparation.

Teaching methods

Oral lectures introduce theory and objective of the discussion of case studies with the direct involvement of the students. Laboratory activity (when possible and in groups). Exam of case studies.

Assessment methods

The student is invited to present a case study in a written form (report) or in oral form with a power point presentation to be publicly discussed with other students.The presentation, organised in sections (introduction to the object/site of interest, aims and questions, methodology of study, multidisciplinar interest) is advisable, althogh not compulsory. The student can alternatively choose a traditional oral exam (questions/answers) regarding the whole theaching program.

The student's ability to learn how to operate with confidence and autonomy within the secondary literature and the possession of a language and forms of expression appropriate to the discipline will be assessed. The acquiring of an organic view of the topics discussed in class, along with their critical consideration, a demonstration of mastery and mature expression will be recognized with good marks or excellence. Knowledge, mostly mnemonic of the subject matter, non-articulated synthesis and analysis, and/or language does not always lead to the appropriate marks ranging from discreet to sufficient. Important gaps in training, inappropriate use of language, lack of orientation within the boundaries of the topics and the bibliographic materials proposed by the course will inevitably lead to a barely sufficient grade or a negative rating.

Teaching tools

Teaching materials in the form of pdf files is available at https://iol.unibo.it/ and reserved to the students of the course

Objects of archaeological and historic-artistic interest.

Office hours

See the website of Mariangela Vandini


Sustainable cities

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.