69566 - Translation from Russian into Italian II (Second Language)

Academic Year 2018/2019

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Forli
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Intercultural and Linguistic Mediation (cod. 8059)

Learning outcomes

The student will be able to apply basic translation instruments (grammar, dictionaries and corpora) as well as methods (source text analysis and its transposition into the translated text) in the translation of a variety of specific texts from Russian into Italian. The student will also be able to identify and apply the most appropriate basic translation strategies to fulfil the communicative/operational functions of the source text.

Course contents

The course is aimed at developing awareness of some problems linked to translating and translatability. Students will tackle a variety of texts concerning historical, economical, socio-cultural fields. Translating practice will be supported by theoretical reflections. The translations will be regularly compared and discussed in the classroom. The course will include some of the conferences organized by the Laboratory of Literary Translation at DIT.


Bonciani D., Romagnoli R., Smykunova N. MIR TESEN, Hoepli, 2016

Testi di approfondimento

Čukovskij, K., Vysokoe iskusstvo, Moskva: Sovetskij pisatel’, 1968 (http://www.chukfamily.ru/kornei/prosa/knigi/vysokoe).

Dobrovolskaja, Ju., Il russo: l’ABC della traduzione, Milano: Hoepli, 2016.

Garbovskij, N. K., Teorija perevoda, Moskva: Izdatel’stva Moskovskogo Universiteta, 2004.

Nergaard S. (a cura di), La teoria della traduzione nella storia, Milano: Bompiani, 2002.

Nergaard S. (a cura di), Teorie contemporanee della traduzione, Milano: Bompiani, 1995.

Osimo, B., Manuale del traduttore, Milano: Hoepli, 2016.

Salmon, L., Teoria della traduzione. Storia, scienza, professione, Milano: A. Vallardi, 2003.

Dizionari e corpora:

Majzel', B., Skvorcova, N., Bolšoj russko-ital'janskij slovar', Moskva: Russkij jazyk, 2001.

Zor’ko, G., Majzel', B., Skvorcova, N., Novyj ital’jansko-russkij slovar’, Moskva: Russkij jazyk, 1995.

Dobrovolskaja, Ju., Grande dizionario russo-italiano, italiano-russo, Milano: Hoepli, 2011.ù

Ožegov, S., Švedova, N., Tolkovyj slovar' russkogo jazyka, Moskva: Az’’ Ltd., 1992.

Kuznecov, S., Bol’šoj tolkovyj slovar’ russkogo jazyka, Sankt-Peterburg: Norint, 2004.

Prochorov, A. gl. red., Bol’šoj ènciklopedičeskijj slovar’, Sankt-Peterburg: Norint, 1999.

Slovar’ Lingvo Live http://www.abbyyonline.com/ru


Teaching methods

Student attendance is compulsory (at least 70%). The course includes both seminars and theoretical reflection.

During classes students will be asked to read, analyse and contextualize texts before starting the translation process.

Translation techniques will be discussed from the point of view of strategies to be applied to produce good quality 'translation' aimed at a specific target readership.

Translations will be prepared before each lesson. Classes will be held in a seminar setting, and all students will be expected to participate in and contribute to the discussions.

Assessment methods

A written exam consisting in a Russian text to be translated into Italian with the use of paper dictionaries and online resources.

Total Length: 350-380 words. Time: 3 hours.

Teaching tools

  • Computer, video-projector, Internet connection
  • Common paper dictionaries
  • On line and cd-rom dictionaries
  • Monolingual and parallel corpora
  • E-learning platform (http://moodle.sslmit.unibo.it/)

Office hours

See the website of Francesca Biagini