85720 - Eu Constitutional Law Lm

Academic Year 2017/2018

  • Moduli: Federico Casolari (Modulo 1) Lucia Serena Rossi (Modulo 2)
  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures (Modulo 1) Traditional lectures (Modulo 2)
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in International Relations (cod. 8782)

Learning outcomes

The course aims to analyse the European decision making process and the main institutional elements of the process of European integration, particularly with regard to the legal implications arising from it. At the end of the course, students will be able to understand: the Institutional system, decision-making process, judicial control of EU Court of Justice; the Normative system: analysis of EU acts and assessment of their implementation and interpretation at EU and national level; EU citizenship and fundamental rights. At the end of the course students have developed the ability to analyse the main implications of the EU institutional structure and to determine the overall effects of the law into the municipal legal orders of the Member States, and to illustrate the main trends of the interplay between the Union and its Member States (both internally and on the international scene).

Course contents

The course is divided in two modules.

The first module of the course aims at clarifying the main institutional elements of the European Union (EU) legal order. It analyses: the origin and the evolution of the European integration process; the allocation of competences between EU and Member States (MSs); the institutions of the Union and their acts; the judicial system of the EU; the external action of the Union.

The second module of the course will focus on the most topical principles of the EU legal order (e.g.: the principle of equality of MSs, the principle of loyal cooperation, the primacy of the EU law over municipal law; the principle of protection of fundamental rights).


R. Schutze, European Constitutional Law - Second Edition (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2016) 552 pp.

Teaching methods

The course will be highly interactive. Theoretical issues will be confronted with practical cases in order to allow the students to understand and verify how EU law is actually implemented.

Assessment methods

The students' learning will be constantly verified through discussions and debates. The final exam will be oral. For attending students final exam may consist of a presentation of a case judged by the European Union Court of Justice.

Teaching tools

Teaching tools (slides, documents, bibliographical references) will be made available through the online platform AMS Campus.

Links to further information


Office hours

See the website of Federico Casolari

See the website of Lucia Serena Rossi