85186 - History of Artistic Literature

Academic Year 2017/2018

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Ravenna
  • Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in History, preservation and enhancement of artistic and archaeological heritage and landscape (cod. 9218)

Learning outcomes

The course deals with the history of art histories, that is to say, deepen the knowledge of what is discussed and diffused through the written form in the cultural and social environment of the artist, at different times, taking into account that every example of artistic literature is the result of a complex process of reflection and is filtered by the dominant thinking currents. At the end of the course, the student achieves a good level of knowledge of the fundamental texts produced by artists, scholars and philosophers and acquires the indispensable tools for framing artistic production over time and in different places.

Course contents

The course will be related to the 18th century academic art literature. In particular, it will cover the work of Francesco Algarotti, a theoretician and popular writer of the Enlightment, in Europe. The methods and approaches to biographical, theoretical literature and the use of ancient sources will be investigated.


O. ROSSI PINELLI, ed., La storia delle storie dell'arte, Piccola Biblioteca Einaudi, Torino 2014; F. ALGAROTTI, Saggio sopra la pittura, in La letteratura italiana. Storia e testi, vol. 46, t. II (Illuministi italiani. Opere di Francesco Algarotti e di Saverio Bettinelli, ed. by E. BONORA), Ricciardi Editore, Milano-Napoli 1969 pp. 333- 432.

Non-attending students are required to agree the alternative program with the teacher, after appointment.

Teaching methods

The frontal lessons will be accompanied by visits to the places and institutions that marked the training course of Francesco Algarotti and the development of his thought.

Assessment methods

Learning will be verified through an oral interview aimed at recognizing the actual preparation of the student on the topics discussed in the lessons, the texts in the program, the critical skills acquired during the course of study and the methodology learned from the investigation of the ancient sources.

Teaching tools

PC, video projector, slide projector.

Office hours

See the website of Donatella Biagi