75361 - Women's Cultural Memory in Scandinavian Tradition

Academic Year 2017/2018

Learning outcomes

At the end of the course the student will be able to understand the particular role played by women in Nordic society, both from a literary and – more generally – cultural point of view. The student will be able to analyze some fundamental topics connected with women in Nordic society in a diachronic and thematic perspective through the direct knowledge of some texts from the Middle Ages till the contemporary times, in Italian or English translation. The student will be able to manifest a personal critical thinking about the female condition taking into account the Nordic literary and artistic production.

Course contents

1st Semester: (from 26th September) 30 hours (6 CFU)

The journey in the Nordic Literature

The multifaceted concept of travel encloses in it various and possible declinations, from moving into spaces for knowledge or conquest, to its interior, looking forward to a new life, often considered impossible. Nordic literature has often represented the theme of travel, much more central in a geographic area - relegated to the extreme north of the globe - that has always sought contact with the rest of the world. In this course we will try to offer a key to the concept of travel within Nordic culture, ranging from the different literatures of different countries of this area (Denmark, Sweden, Norway and Iceland) in quest of common traits around the idea of 'journey' from the romantic age to our days. Some of the most important film productions will also be considered.



- Texts in the course's web pages.

- Eric J. Leed, La mente del viaggiatore. Dall'Odissea al turismo globale, Bologna, Il Mulino (qualsiasi edizione), pp.13-137.

- Hans Christian Andersen, La regina della neve, in Id., Fiabe, Milano, Oscar Mondadori (qualunque edizione), pp. 203-230.

- Henrik Ibsen, La donna del mare (qualunque edizione)

- Roald Amundsen, Il passaggio Nord-Ovest. La mia spedizione polare sulla "Gjöa", Milano, Fratelli Treves, 1908, (pagine scelte depositate dal docente presso la biblioteca del LILEC)

- Knut Hamsun, La regina di Saba, Milano, Iperborea, 2017

- Gunnar Gunnarsson, Il pastore d’Islanda, Milano, Iperborea, 2016

- Ingmar Bergman, Il posto delle fragole, Milano, Iperborea, 2005

- Thor Vilhjálmsson, Il muschio grigio arde, Milano, Iperborea, 2002.

no-attendant students:

To the previous bibliography must be added:

- Davidson, Peter, L'idea di Nord, Roma, Donzelli, 2005

Teaching methods

The course is structured as a seminar. Students are invited to participate actively to the lessons.

Assessment methods

The exam consists in an oral interview. During the interview the methodological and critical skills acquired by the student will be evaluated . The student will be invited to discuss the texts covered during the course and to move within the sources and bibliographical material in order to be able to identify in them the useful information that will enable to illustrate the similarities and cultural areas of the discipline. The achievement of an organic vision of the issues addressed during the classes and their critical use, which demonstrate ownership of a mastery of expression and specific language, will be assessed with marks of excellence. Mechanical and / or mnemonic knowledge of matter, synthesis and analysis of non-articulating and / or correct language but not always appropriate will lead to discrete assessments; training gaps and / or inappropriate language - although in a context of minimal knowledge of the material - will lead to votes that will not exceed the sufficiency. Training gaps, inappropriate language, lack of guidance within the reference materials offered during the course will lead to failed assessments.

Teaching tools

During the course, some audiovisual material will be used. Teaching material will be posted on the web platform of the course.

Office hours

See the website of Alessandro Zironi