70025 - Cultural Anthropology.

Academic Year 2017/2018

  • Docente: Bruno Riccio
  • Credits: 6
  • SSD: M-DEA/01
  • Language: Italian
  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Cesena
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Psychological sciences and techniques (cod. 8774)

Learning outcomes

At the end of the course the students will know the main theoretical and methodological approaches in cultural anthropology; the evolution of concepts such as culture, ethnicity, ethnocentrism, racism; and, finally, how to use some theoretical perspectives in the analysis of social processes such as migration, exclusion and violence

Course contents

The course will take place during the first semester (from October to November 2017) at the Cesena Campus of the School of Psychology and Education (address: p.zza A. Moro, 90). The course will focus on the definition and history of the anthropological studies. We will take into account the transformation of concepts such as culture and ethnicity together with the main theoretical and methodological problems faced by the discipline. We will discuss the relativist critique of human rights and its limitations, the evolution of ethnographic research and the different theoretical paradigms characterising the anthropological thought. In the second part, relying on empirical examples, we will also focus on the study of multicultural societies, citizenship and transnational migration.


- Dei, F. Antropologia culturale, Il Mulino, 2016

- Some chapters (1; 2; 5; 7; 11; 12) of Baumann, G. L'Enigma Multiculturale, Il Mulino 2003 Reader available on: http://campus.unibo.it/

- One volume among the following edited books:

Guerzoni, G., Riccio, B. (a cura di) Giovani in cerca di cittadinanza, Guaraldi, 2009

Riccio, B. (a cura di) Migrazioni transnazionali dall'Africa, UTET, 2008

Teaching methods

Lectures, workshops, visual projection + discussion

Assessment methods

The written exam last 2 hours when the students have to answer to three open ended questions within a limited space (one page per question). Books and chapters cannot be consulted during the exam. The aim of the exam is to asses the understanding and assimilation of the main concepts introduced during lectures and discussed in the readings, together with an evalation of the logical consequentiality with which they are treated.

Teaching tools

Some of the didactic material will be available to students at: http://campus.unibo.it/

Office hours

See the website of Bruno Riccio