39587 - General Psychopedagogy

Academic Year 2015/2016

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Environment and Workplace Prevention Techniques (cod. 8487)

Learning outcomes

At the end of the course, students will know  the psychopedagogical  dynamics on which human behaviours and relationship are grounded both within the society at large and in specific communities. Moreover they will know the relationship's dynamics within individuals in the social- and work's life.

Course contents

The course focuses on the communicative competences as important tool of the professionals involved in the management of the conflicts, prevention and protection in the different work contexts. Based on the main model analysing the verbal and non verbal communication and the work team, the course proposes to  students a research, analysis and valorisation path of the chances that the communication offers in the different work contexts and of the importance that hearing and osservation play within conflicts resolution.


Zani, Selleri, David, La comunicazione. Modelli teorici e contesti sociali, Carocci, Roma 2000

Further bibliography will be indicated by teacher during the lessons.

Teaching methods

The lectures will be complemented with students' group works on issues emerged during the lessons and case studies

Assessment methods

Collective presentation of the group works and individual written examination

Teaching tools

Power points and films

Office hours

See the website of Morena Cuconato